what is wrong with Lithium?

FallingDownInRuins said:
lithium, please go back and read.
and tell me what this thread is all about and why people answer in it that its 6 pages already
because this board is now de-moderated and there's no one to close it?:Smug:
my request was to lithium.
this thread shouldn't be closed cause there will show up another one one about the same subject.
with all my respect to you Judith please stop defending him he can do it him self, he should do it him self
cause you are a nice person and you don't like this shit
but some peoplse should be bashed.
thank you :)
i do it only to those who need it
lets say... i am saving the world from gayness
you said yesterday you left this board because of that...so what are you still doing here?!:Smug:

And Alex: continue, don't mind me...

as long as you don't bash the real gay people!