mine is 'dreaming neon black'... the production is amazing. the thick layers of guitars. warrel's voice is amazing. the riffs are tight and crunchy. overall one of the best albums in this genre ever created!
DNB is my favorite, probably because of its atmosphere. PoE is a close second, and EoR is a little more distant 3rd. And don't forget the omnipotent IN MEMORY!!!!!
Why? The riffs...the solos...the angry lyrics (any song that starts off with "I hate you..." instantly wins me over)...the thrashy feel of the album...and The Learning
Even though I have all their albums, I would have to go with Dreaming Neon Black. Particularly for the songwriting, the emotion and the variety of songs. I don't like albums where every song is structured the same way, I love albums where there are a variety of different sounds in the songs ( hope that's clear...).
By the way, I just signed up on this board if any of you are wondering who the hell I am
Dead Heart In a Dead World is my favorite problably because, of the songs;The River Dragon Has Come and The Heart Collector, Those songs are just fucking awesome, and what I've heard from Dreaming Neon Black was very good.