what is your favorite non-metal genre?

what is your favorite non-metal genre of music?

  • progressive rock/psychedelic

    Votes: 21 35.6%
  • jazz / blues

    Votes: 4 6.8%
  • electronica

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • hip hop / rap

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • post rock / ambience

    Votes: 6 10.2%
  • experimental / noise

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • indie rock / alternative rock

    Votes: 3 5.1%
  • classical

    Votes: 11 18.6%
  • folk / bluegrass / country

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • punk / hardcore

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • classic rock / pop rock

    Votes: 4 6.8%
  • others ( specify)

    Votes: 3 5.1%

  • Total voters
Jun 19, 2006
although i know this is a mostly metal community i was just wondering what other genres of music most of you enjoy and which you'd say you enjoy the most?

i know i didnt include all the genres of music but just let me know if i forgot any important ones
Hard choice between post rock and progressive rock iyam.

I like almost every genre on this list to varying degrees, probably except for rap and country. There's some good rap, but the majority of it blows. The only good country music is the old stuff, not that new "my tractor is extremely attractive and my kid said the S word" garbage. I haven't heard much folk, although neo-folk sounds rather good. Haven't really gotten much into classical or electronica though...
I voted classic, but I don't like new pop at all. I chose classic for bands like Zeppelin, Lizzy, etc
wow, jazz and classical are much more far behind that i wouldof thought.

its no surprise that prog/psych are in the lead by alot because of opeth .
surprised to see no experimental/avant garde besides me , but then again, opeth are pretty straighforward and dont venture too far out.
i would have to say punk/hardcore, but i listen to as much prog stuff, its just because ive been listening to punk for longer
I like pretty much any genre as long as it's good music...of late a lot of downtempo/trip hop/chill out, ambient/electronic, and symponic/electronic film score or OST/OSC which many may classify as classical..but I really don't think of it as such.
I'm also a big fan of prog and jazz fusion as well as latin/Brasilian/bosa nova, surf, rockabilly, folk, some forms of country/bluegrass, and some new-age/ECM type stuff.

Stuff I don't care much for would be rap, rock, blues, new country, punk and anything else that sucks including alot of metal... or stuff that I'm burnt out on at the moment....ie the rock and blues stuff...