What Is Your Favorite Song because of 1 instrument?


Papa Opeth
May 19, 2001
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You must like a song just because of the drums or guitar, etc. Is there any songs you like just for that reason? Like great vocals, even tjhough the rest of the music is just OK? Or that one instrument stands out amoungst the others?

Grip Inc. - Hostage To Heaven : love this song because of the guitar

Demoniacal Possession - Old Mans Child : great song, but the eerie carnival keyboards at the beginning and in the middle make the song for me.

just curious...
I love 'Nothing Else Matters' by Metallica just because of the intro....I think it's a guitar.
Anything by Buckethead...usually the backing music is just ok, while his guitar work floors me. A good example is Colma...the drumming is ok, but somewhat 1 dimensional (suprising, considering the talented Brain is on drums) and B-head's bass work is very lacking (except when Bill Laswell plays on Machete), while Buckethead's guitar speaks more than any words EVER could. Beautiful album...
Guitar: There are a couple: Death - Voice of the soul and trapped in a corner. Bach lute concert #3 ( of course adapted for classical guitar )

Bass: this is more tough the best bass players are among jazz and everyone at jazz is truly a master, but i guess there are some songs in Morningrise and Orchid i like entirely just because of the bass

Drums: Easy: Burning inside - The unknown. Richard Christy at his finest hour its truly amazing.

Keyboards: Thelonious Monk work all of it.

Vocals: Lacuna coil. Dark Tranquillity - Day to end.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
Guitar: There are a couple: Death - Voice of the soul and trapped in a corner. Bach lute concert #3 ( of course adapted for classical guitar )

Bass: this is more tough the best bass players are among jazz and everyone at jazz is truly a master, but i guess there are some songs in Morningrise and Orchid i like entirely just because of the bass
I have to agree on the bass parts on "morningrise". They have a certain "loping" sound which I really like. Also good is Steve Digiorgios' bass on on Death & Control Denied albums. Too many metal albums bury the bass in the mix or the bass player is not that good .:err:
Any music that I'm into will likely be a part of my collection for a number of reasons. It's typically a combination of insightful lyrics (if not insightful, at least poetic) and engrossing music. IMO, Opeth has this, TooL has this, Pink Floyd has this (to name my three favourites, anyway).

I occasionally do listen to "Shine on You Crazy Diamond" for the Sax solos (Tenor then Alto), though I love the guitar in that song as well.

I'd say.. "Know Your Enemy" by Rage Against the Machine. It's from 1992, and Maynard from TooL does a guest vocal spot. It got me into Rage, and it's still the main reason I listen to the album.
Drums: The whole Symbolic album by Death (Hoglan Hoglan Hoglan Hoglan Hoglan:) I've listened to it MANY times just focusing on the drums)

Guitars: Ride/Master/Justice by MetallicA (Am I the only one considering Jaymz as one of the finest rhythm guitarists?)
And I REALLY REALLY LOVE Opeth's guitars.. absolutely brilliant!

Bass: Pulling Teeth (Anesthesia) by MetallicA (ok no comments on Cliff's playing.. a guy said the other day that Cliff was just a lead guitarist who happened to play bass)
Lord Of The Dance - for the stepping of course :D

Meshuggah because of the drums

and metallica - ride the lightning. hetfields voice is kinda crap at that time, but hammet puts his solos wherever there's need for one, and the parts blend excellent. just listened to that cd after a long time, amazing