what is your favorite...

I dunno man, at least with the HIV and Hepat you can still party and stay up late and have friends before you die from it. Children sap all that is sacred, including friendships.
Hmmm? Oh, no, the people I associate with on the whole can't stand children. I'm referring to the norm where after you have a kid, you never see anyone but it and maybe the other parent outside of playdates.
The proper time = someone else had it, so you can actually get away from it when you've had enough.
Listening to hormones is a bad idea, ask anyone with a temper. :p I just don't feel anyone under 30 is qualified to have children. And even then, license for one child only.
Listening to hormones is a bad idea, ask anyone with a temper. :p I just don't feel anyone under 30 is qualified to have children. And even then, license for one child only.

i couldn't agree more.

i definately don't want to have a kid until i'm 30....or honestly 35. i have way too many things to do and too much of the world to see to have a kid in tow. and it would be irresponsable of me to leave the kiddo at home.

also, i'll add this, i'm getting absolutely exhausted of fucking kids in public, especially inappropriate places. i can't go into a restaurant anymore without some couple coming in with their snot nosed kid(s) who procede to cry and run around unchecked because their parents have blocked out these noises/activities in order to stay sane and not shoot themself in the fucking face.

that said, parents should know this, and either get a sitter, or get takeout until the kid has learned table manners, and if the kid makes a loud peep, yank them out of their fucking chair and to the restroom or outside until the episode has halted so that the adults in the restaurant can enjoy their evening. FUCK!

i was in BJ's brewpub not long ago and some fucking family came in and my enjoyment of my pint of jeremiah red was totally fucking ruined.
Yep loud kids are annoying as hell. I sometimes have a desire to go and "educate"(beat the crap out) some especially annoying ones...and they are not even mine. So I would probably make a terrible parent.

However (back to the topic) there is a lot of different forms of contraception which protects from pregnancy and only one form protects from STDs (not all, but at least the fatal ones)...