What is your goal in life?

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia

But seriously, what do you hope to achieve in your lifetime? What is your meaning of life?

For me it would be to experience as many paths as possible. I find it very easy to isolate something and get good at it, but then you take that one path in life, and you don't really get to experience anything outside of it. Ie. its very easy for those inclined to study their asses of in school, losing their social life; on the other hand its very easy to do the opposite. Doing both at once is not so easy.

I'm a big fan of people like Arnie and Jared Leto who manage to excel in many fields. So at any one point in my life I want to be doing everything I can to take advantage of EVERY opportunity, not just a select few. I'm not 'the best' at anything, but I'm damn good at almost anything I put my mind to.

"Specialisation is for insects." -Out of a book, don't even know if it was fiction or a non-fiction quote by someone, but its stuck.
"Specialisation is for insects." -Out of a book, don't even know if it was fiction or a non-fiction quote by someone, but its stuck.

That was Robert Anton Wilson who quoted another scientist in "Masks of the Illuminati"
I use this a lot in discussions :lol:

cool book btw......

EDIT: correct book title is: "The Illuminati Papers"
I have set myself so many goals in life thus so far and have failed to achieve most of them, so it's probably for the best I don't set anymore and just see where the road takes me.
I'm 42 now - the last 6 years of which are the result of another's kindness. My short term goal is to continue rising each morning to greet the day with the knowledge that each day is a gift not to be wasted. Sounds a bit sappy I know, but my life changed almost 6 years to the day ago when I was diagnosed with acute leukemia - I felt hopeless for a while as my siblings were tested to see if they could be possible bone marrow donors for me as it was so acute that my only chance was a transplant. As the reports came back from my two siblings that they were not matches I felt more helplessness. I started induction chemotherapy with the knowledge it would only hold back this disease for a short while. 4 weeks into my chemotherapy in the hospital I found out that my doctors had found a 32 year old male donor that was a perfect match for me - what they called a 10/10 match at the time. More chemotherapy and a few months later I received a gift I will never take for granted - another man's bone marrow was dripped via IV into my body replacing the irrecoverably destroyed bone marrow and starting the clock to see if it would take - it took 9 days for me to en-graft, all the while worrying about the slightest germ or bacteria that might enter my room. It took, and I'm here to write about it 6 years later - I've had setbacks, I've relapsed once and had to reciee that very same gift from that very same young man once again - but so far so good.

My goal in life is not to take it for granted - to awake each day and not waste them - life is fleeting, but it's also beautiful, as you never know when a person you never meet, that knows nothing about you, might just give you a gift you can never repay - not once but twice.

Sounds a bit sappy I'm sure - but taking such things for granted, that knowledge they will not always be there, has changed me, I know it's made me a better man. I live my life to thank that young man - to show him his effort was not wasted.

I don't mind telling this story as I think it's important people know this about me, that they also know that it's the little things we do - like adding our name to donor registries, that make the biggest differences in life. Become a bone marrow donor - you might just save a life - more than once.
In this order currently:

1) Graduate (2 re-exams and 5 weeks of practical training left)
2) Get a job, preferrably in Tampere, Finland, or perhaps somewhere in central Europe (Austria? Switzerland?)
3) Build a house with everything I have in mind (studio, atelier, sauna, workroom for computer things/electronics)
4) Play weekend shows with my band
5) Enjoy life
I don't really have any larger goals set up; mostly just ones that are important to me at the moment. However, being happy is also a goal of mine.

I can only think of current stuff like being better at all kinds of stuff (but mostly audio production, it's the best hobby I could have I think), getting a girlfriend, getting somewhere with my band, having a stable direction in life.
Jind, really glad you're still here to talk about it dude - a guy I went to high school with had acute leukemia in my senior year, and also had to receive a bone marrow transplant (apparently it was like a 9/10 match, so still really damn close); he too had to be in a completely sterilized area and such, but unfortunately he didn't survive; glad you were more lucky!