What kind of hat it john known for wearing?

That line is from the classic 3 Stooge short, "Disorder in the Court". If I had a fuckin derby, I'd wear a fuckin derby.

John has given new life to a style that is over a half century past its prime!

My local rag (newspaper) listed Johns Bday, last Saturday. My wife didn't believe, until I showed her. Ha! Women!

Anybody else getting all fucked up on Blatz, like myself, tonight?

C'mon TD, don't dissapoint me!

Alas, time for more Blatz & maybe I will:Puke: :Puke:
Are you back to work yet Ty, or what?

Ahhh the life of the educator----corrupting youth, weekends off, high school hussies all OVER the place, the potential to influence a new generation.....hehehe

I shoulda been a teacher.
BTW, what subject do you teach???