What kinda girls do you go for?

Aug 19, 2010
I've been looking at this forum for a long long time and just recently made an acount. But I'm just wondering what kind of girls metalheads are attracted to. Like I'm a girl, I model but it seems as if metalheads just aren't attracted to me. So do you go for preps or other fellow looking metalheads? assuming they've both got good personalities.
i'm a girl and personally i find this fucking hilarious

what are you here for, to ask the guys here how to woo a metalhead? lolol
no kid, I think it's pretty straight forward and I find it sad you can't understand. I don't want to "woo", as you say, a metalhead. I'm just wondering because I mean not to be conceated (sp?) or anything but I can pretty much get anything I want, and I don't really think metalheads are digging me because I'm pretty so I'm asking for opinions. That brief enough for you?
Kid? lol im probably older than you

"I don't really think metalheads are digging me because I'm pretty"

so you're saying metalheads like uglies? lol rite
Like men who dont like metal, im sure metalheads dig girls they find attractive. now, whether they find you attractive or not is a different story :lol:
Metalheads aren't that different from other men, chica :lol:
are you stupid or something? when have I said they're different from anything else. It's that same as how the stariotypical star football player will find something other attractive than some nobody nerd. I never said they dont like me because im pretty, im just questioning if they go for another look than mine.
Yep you're damn hot,you look a bit like my ex....gorgeous:D
Maybe guys get a bit intimidated by hot chicks like you,they might wanna hit on you but could be scared? I can't see any other reason.