What kinda girls do you go for?

nahh I dont even know where denver is and my name is suzy. as for the plumber part i've always wanted to be one because they get a really nice sallery but im debating because id have to spend a lot more time in school
I've been looking at this forum for a long long time and just recently made an acount. But I'm just wondering what kind of girls metalheads are attracted to. Like I'm a girl, I model but it seems as if metalheads just aren't attracted to me. So do you go for preps or other fellow looking metalheads? assuming they've both got good personalities.

i can tell you how to suduce ME, but i don't know if that will help you seduce any other person that posts on this forum
Well, I'll answer your question, although metal heads are normal me and everyone has his own taste in women.As for me I like Gothic Look, not extreme Gothic look, black make up with black dressing (maybe a black t.shirt with Jeans).Of course she gotta be pretty enough :P
As for your look, you have a really nice look but you doesn't look like metal try to add something black If you really wanna date a metal guy :P