What made you happy today?

Going on holiday on Thursday..... To Birmingham!!!
I'm collecting my Mum from Birmingham airport on Friday when she gets back from a real holiday, so we thought we'd stay over Thursday night and make the most of it! Looking forward to trying the pricey aftershaves in Selfridges and Harvey Nicks during the day and will then get some food and head out for a bit of a party session later on.
Sounds like a nice chillout there - even if it is Birmingham ;)
Hope you enjoy it!

Just the little things today. It's (reasonably) sunny out, had a great breakfast, and my problems can just piss off for the day. I'm chilled. :)
All this Sun is putting me in a good mood. I may be spending this Saturday with friends, outside a Pub, drinking many drinks!

Furthermore, I think I've got a very early contender for my Anthem of the Summer (not that I usually have such a thing) and it's Kiske/Somerville's 'Don't Walk Away'. Such a feel good, catchy song.

In regards to the album it is on, I am still amazed that two such amazing Voices could be on even one song, never mind an entire album! I can't recommend it enough.
Allergies might be killing me, but today my physical copy of Stones Grow Her Name finally arrived, as well as the t-shirt, which is beautiful and VERY comfy, thankfully! The digipak album came with the bonus track Tonight I Dance Alone. I really want to hear the Japanese bonus track One-Two-Free-Fall. Gonna go take it for a spin in the car!
Promethazine is what I use when my allergies flare up. It makes me a little sleepy but it always stops the itching and the runny eyes. Not sure if it's OTC in the states though due to the "purple drank" thing.
I'll have to look into that. I hate using nasal sprays because I don't like putting/spraying things up there and even non-drowsy allergy medications make me loopy as hell, so I'm hoping to find something that works without making me a zombie!

WMMH: two hours alone at the gym. Got a lot accomplished, had all that alone time, and now I'm off to practice some Mozart. Keeping my head up and enjoying life one day at a time now :rock:
Epica are playing Corporation again in December.

Which also reminds me, I remember a guy I was speaking to a bit in the queue for when I saw Delain and Trillium a few weeks back telling me that he had briefly met Simone and Mark from Epica and that unfortunately the experience wasn't particularly good. They made excuses to not speak to them or sign any stuff or whatever.

Bit of a shame. He might have just caught them on a bad day I suppose.

At least I can say I got the opposite experience when I met and spoke with Amanda Somerville, who has co-wrote the majority of their songs!
Epica are playing Corporation again in December.

Which also reminds me, I remember a guy I was speaking to a bit in the queue for when I saw Delain and Trillium a few weeks back telling me that he had briefly met Simone and Mark from Epica and that unfortunately the experience wasn't particularly good. They made excuses to not speak to them or sign any stuff or whatever.

Bit of a shame. He might have just caught them on a bad day I suppose.

At least I can say I got the opposite experience when I met and spoke with Amanda Somerville, who has co-wrote the majority of their songs!

Depends on where he might them, I suppose. I remember when I met Epica on their 2009 US tour that they were very happy to talk to and take photos with the fans, Mark especially. They seem like very friendly people usually!
Met some awesome new people last night while hanging around town, then hung out at a bar and did karaoke with them for a few hours. :kickass: :lol: