What made you happy today?

Kingface said:
Those who are unhappy with England's style of Football may want to think about The Netherlands. In the last World Cup, they played a pragmatic style of Football that resulted in much criticism, especially as they are known as the Nation that created "Total Football". This new, pragmatic style got them to the World Cup Final, where they were beaten by just one goal to nil, in Extra Time, by Spain.

The Netherlands got criticised because they kicked the shit out of the other teams. Half the team should have been sent off in the final for some of the things they did. (coughNigelDeJongcoughcough)

Also I class England's recent performances as managing to find a way to win despite not playing all that well, although yes, Welbeck's goal was a fluke. And before anyone says anything Ukraine's "goal" was offside.
Me and a few mates went to Bruce Springsteen last night (still slightly annoyed that it was at the Etihad Stadium!) but it was an amazing show!

It was crazy how much it was raining before the show and for parts during it, probably hasn't helped my Cold one bit. Worth it though!

MetalCodd - The Netherlands kicking the shit out of other teams only applies to the Final of that World Cup. They didn't play that way in any of the games before that and it wasn't the main catalyst for the criticism in their Home Country.

In fact I remember Johan Cryuff talking about how he did not approve of their style of Football before they even got to the Final.

You're absolutely correct about the Ukraine "Goal", shame the majority of the Media and apparently FIFA are still concentrating on it and ignoring the bad decision that came before it that should have resulted in the actions of the "Ghost Goal" not happening.

Steve, in regards Young being a wuss, can't argue with that! Well, not actually a wuss, but one of just many players now who are willing to look like one to get Free-Kicks, unfortunately it's just part of the game now. It's been shown to work and until that changes it will keep happening and some teams will keep practising it in Training (yes that actually happens).

Welbeck's Goal was obviously a fluke to a certain degree, it had to have some luck to a degree, but I disagree that he didn't know what he was doing. Again, you don't not try and direct the Ball Goal-ward in that situation and you could tell that's what he was trying to do.

Just seen the highlights of the Germany vs Greece game. Seems like it was a cracking one. Things are looking good for my work sweepstake! Looking forward to getting back to being able to watch the Footy tonight.
Xabi Alonso scored twice. He seems like such a sympathetic player. And it was his 100:th cap too!

Indeed, well done to that lad. Great player and a class act.

Also, Del Bosque (Spain Manager) has come out and said Spain are drained, suffering from the Heat and two fewer days rest. My advice to Portugal:

Just come home from visiting my Grandad in hospital. He's doing well, laughing at all the other patients in the same room as him! Cheeky git he is.

So yeah, feel overjoyed that he's recovering well :)

That's great to hear Nikki! :)

WMMH: Even though I'm gutted England have been knocked out of Euro 2012, I'm proud of their efforts and enjoyed the game and all the tension it provided! You just have to hold your hands up and no denying the better team won.

Hodgson all the way! There's way more to come from him yet let me tell ya!
Seeing as this is where all the Euro 2012 discussion has ended up...

Fair play to Spain. They've been outstanding tonight and they've made history. Feel for Italy though. Rotten luck to get a player (plus it being a fresh pair of Legs that had not long been on) injured when you've already made three subs.
Traveled a few hours to see Lorenguard last night. MINDBLOWINGLY good. They're even better live. Absolutely top notch playing, which is amazing considering it was their first live show in over three years.

Got my copy of their album and book signed personally to me too. They knew who I was before I even introduced myself :lol:
Damnit, Mr Nippleson. I am a seething pot of jealousy over here! They're a band with great potential, very much liked their debut album and meeting them would have been swell. Especially if I can point to Power Metal Dom in their book!
Damnit, Mr Nippleson. I am a seething pot of jealousy over here! They're a band with great potential, very much liked their debut album and meeting them would have been swell. Especially if I can point to Power Metal Dom in their book!

Shit dude, if I wasn't so overcome with excitement I would've pointed you out in the credits as being one of my buddies! They're really cool dudes, I told them they need to be doing world tours with the big name power metal guys....
Sounds great Mike, nice one!

WMMH: Had a great time at my mate's BBQ/Party yesterday. Great to meet some cool peeps I haven't seen in a while, including one person in particular who I had not seen for a few years! Plenty of Drink consumed and other cool things.