What made you happy today?

Thanks Mike! On top of that, my copy of Luca Turilli's Ascending To Infinity arrived today... oh, and I have a date tonight with a cute girl, can't forget that :lol:
Enjoy the free time Andy and Matt!! Nothing like having time to just kick back and relax...

Today I finally went out and bought a new pair of running shoes. Expensive as hell ($110, $120 after sales tax) but worth every penny. Same series as my last pair, so if they hold up as well as the last shoes I shouldn't have to buy another pair until the end of 2013 or the beginning of 2014! Just did some running in them and I felt like I could fly, they feel incredible.

I made a friend in the Netherlands recently. She makes custom metal-themed clothing. She made me an awesome Nightwish Imaginaerum wristband and I'm going to bring it to the concert in September. It's beautiful! Soft velvet fabric with the intricate Imaginaerum logo, studded with tiny crystals and metal fasteners. Wow!

Saw the new Batman movie at the midnight release showing last night. WOW!!
Yeah my work colleague went to a 5am showing (as we're five hours ahead of the east coast of the US). Apparently they showed all three movies consecutively starting around midnight! I'd be asleep by half past!
Seeing Batman TDKR made me very happy. Big batfan. It's good but inevitably can't live up to the previous one. There's several bits that could've been improved upon but overall it's ace.
Seeing Batman TDKR made me very happy. Big batfan. It's good but inevitably can't live up to the previous one. There's several bits that could've been improved upon but overall it's ace.

Agreed! Then again, what could top Heath Ledger's performance in that movie, honestly?

Have fun at Wacken guys, another year, another me being extremely jealous!
Getting drunk and watching the Olympic Opening Ceremony. Us cynical Brits were expecting overreaching and cringing embarrassment especially compared to Beijing's amazing ceremony. But by 'eck it was astounding! Danny Boyle really did the nation proud everything in the performance made my jaw-drop from the music to the parachuting Queen and Mr Bean :D
NASA's Curiosity Mars Rover touching down on Mars safely. I was watching the livestream from 6 this morning and the tension followed by the explosion of joy from mission control was overwhelming!

Just look at how amazing it is that this happened:

Humanity is incredible! Go science!
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