What made you happy today?

Listening to Neverworld and the Blood Alliance album made me happy today. Especially Better Days and Only in my Dreams:)
Listening to Neverworld and the Blood Alliance album made me happy today. Especially Better Days and Only in my Dreams:)

Two of the best albums ever written! And those tunes man! :kickass:

WMMH: Seen that Bill Hudson has recorded some Guitar Tracks for 'Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance' (a Video Game for those not in the know). Great to see a talented Guitarist and a guy who has worked with the mighty PQ play on the soundtrack to a game in one of my favourite Video Game series'!
That is very cool. May end up getting the game but it doesn't look like a true Metal Gear game it looks like some flashy Ninja Gaiden thing.
Went to see Hell at Derby Assembly Rooms last night, incredible show. As well as a great performance from the band (and main support Winterfylleth), Hell's performance was complete with a fancy stage show, props, costumes, lots of sprinklers and fire!

It was filmed for a DVD too so I might well end up on there!
Congrats Dom. Great albums you received there man. Also, the one in the middle......whats that? Im pretty sure that's not an album. Probably some video of something eh?
Found this in my middle-of-nowhere town's record store, which is a real hole in the wall... couldn't believe it!

After reading again Steve's announcement of the end of Power Quest, I noticed this paragraph

"No matter how much you love something, there comes a point where you have to look at the facts, not the dream. "

This means so much to me. Its so true......Thats what made me happy today. Great proposal.
Seeing Helloween with Gamma Ray tomorrow will be momentous for me :rock: Also a bittersweet happiness in booking tickets / flights for Power Quest in London. It's going to be a night for the history books!