What made you happy today?

I quoted in the 'What made me sad?' forum yesterday:

I'm sad because someone on Flickr gave me a really rubbish score on one of my Sonata Arctica photos. For me personally, I think the photo came out alright! I just think the mark isn't fair :(


Score 2/10 (from the Concert Photography Score Me! group)
Magenta stagelights are not fun to deal with. And are definitely not helped with adding way too much contrast. Makes it look just weird. Maybe converting to black and white could work?
Nice pose, but the tilt makes it look a bit weird.

What makes me happy, is people on that group for sticking up for me when that guy was being a complete and utter arse about my photo. It really has made my day, such great people in this world :) The link below takes you to the photo along with the comments, if you're interested.

Everyone got different opinions, so shouldn't be too hard on him:) no matter what, great picture!
I know what you guys mean, it's the fact there are other photos on there (not being big headed) are blurred and there are many things wrong with a photo that received better marks than what I got. To him it was a couple of little issues in his eyes that made it into an extreme problem for him to mark me so little.

Yet again, I take things to heart very easily, so :)
sun, reading out in the garden, returning home for the easter and spending quality time with the parents.

the summer is here early!
My internet was gone for a few days, because of some digging machines, i believe, but it's fixed now so got internet again=)