What made you laugh today ???

Our very own Clammy in this short

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I laughed today when the hair dye settling in my hair started oozing down my face at the hair salon

Yeah my day was lame
We aren't gays, we are bi!
Mmmm, understand some parts of it but don't get it ....
"flinch"(catch?) en "ma se poes" parts I don't get ... :confused:

He sais he sometimes watches his toast and then tries not to flinch when it pops out.
"Ma se poes" is like saying "motherf@#$ker" although a direct translation would be "mother's c$%#@", thought you and Hawk would get it.
He sais he sometimes watches his toast and then tries not to flinch when it pops out.
"Ma se poes" is like saying "motherf@#" although a direct translation would be "mother's c$%#@", thought you and Hawk would get it.

ah, it was mostly the word "flinch" that I didn't get. Never heard it before...now I get it :D