What made you laugh today ???

A cowboy was riding on his horse in the desert when he saw a snake. Naturally he pulled out his gun to shoot it, but all of a sudden the snake talked. "Don't kill me and I'll give you 3 wishes!" The cowboy says yes, and makes his three wishes. 1, he wants a Brad-Pitt beautiful face, 2, he wants a body like the Govenator, and 3rd he wants junk like the horse he's riding on. So he goes back home, he has the beautiful face, he pulls off his shirt and there are rippling muscles. Then, after he pulls off his pants he says "Oh my god, I was riding the mare!"
A cowboy was riding on his horse in the desert when he saw a snake. Naturally he pulled out his gun to shoot it, but all of a sudden the snake talked. "Don't kill me and I'll give you 3 wishes!" The cowboy says yes, and makes his three wishes. 1, he wants a Brad-Pitt beautiful face, 2, he wants a body like the Govenator, and 3rd he wants junk like the horse he's riding on. So he goes back home, he has the beautiful face, he pulls off his shirt and there are rippling muscles. Then, after he pulls off his pants he says "Oh my god, I was riding the mare!"

Good one! :lol:
A bumper sticker that reads: Jesus save me from your followers
A Jahova's came to my house on Thursday or Friday... I came to the door in a Mayhem shirt.. for those of you who don't know the logo they use.. it has two reversed crosses in it. I don't think they liked the Corpse playing in the background either, never seen a look on a guys face like that before. I was just thinking about it and it made me laugh all over again.
I myself had no choice, when my mom kept changing churches when I was a kid. We were every christian religion except Lutheran at one time or another. Years ago, on many occasions, whenever I see the Mormon (always in pairs as well) missionaries coming, or the Jehova witnesses, I did the same thing. I'd put on Obituary or Carcass, and half the time, upon the JW guys hearing it, they wouldn't bother knocking on the door. The Mormons though, they're persistent, and you could practically spit on them, and they'd say "heh heh, nice one there! got me good!" They're too damn nice. But since I had to be a Mormon in my early teens, I know that's how they get to some people. Make you feel almost like a bad person or jerk, and the next thing you know, you're guiltily listening to them, or inviting them in. So, I just tell them I'm an ex-member, no thanks. I don't believe in worshipping Joseph Smith, or anyone else, and shut the door, without pause.
I myself had no choice, when my mom kept changing churches when I was a kid. We were every christian religion except Lutheran at one time or another.

Talk about confusion of tongues :D

Years ago, on many occasions, whenever I see the Mormon (always in pairs as well)

Yeah we have a joke because of that here, but it's only funny is Spanish