What made you laugh today ???

So rockin', that I'm goin' back to church. I've missed so much cool shit! Man, god's fuckin' allright, man!
I stone cold busted some sea hag trying to rip of a stuffed dog toy in a pet store.

I came around the aisle and she was shoving it in her bag.

When she saw me she pulled it out and and started rambling something about it not working.

I was laughing my ass off, I started saying very loudly so that other people could hear me. "Stop trying to steal shit"


Funny play back performance from Maiden !!

Reading the posts by the thread starter made me laugh in a creeped out, "what a freak" kind of way in this thread:


I thought his comments about the Masonic Temple being painted with symbols on the walls were rather amusing, especially since there's a Masonic Temple around the corner from me that looks like a rather non-descript stucco building. If it weren't for the metal Masons symbol and the plaque stating that it's a Masonic Temple, you wouldn't think it was anything more than a second building being used by the church it shares the property with.