Well its not all together a good thing but I had become a very frustrated worker in the past months. Its been a unreliable pay check, it revolves around a trade I have done my whole adult life and for twenty years as self employment. I pretty much felt this guy was an ass clown within weeks of working for him and it is his reputation amounst those who have been there first hand. I was a fool to think I could satisify him, but he was a fool to think he could bully me as he has done to his more youthful, carefully molded and brow beat wanna bees. None the less I needed a job and these are bad times to do very good at all. Still... I dont need to take crap from some 46 yr old infant. It was hilarious, as soon as I got him fired up he got right on his cell phone and called his wife, screaming, I mean totally off the hook ballistic about how he had had enough and was going to quit his business.... kinda like "mommy... mommy, hes picking on me".... lol. I enjoyed it so much I screamed back at him "oh... grow the fuck up ! " It just got uglier from there as he got in my face and tried to intimidate me and threatened to "Punch me in the face"... good lord what I wouldnt have done for a video. Its too bad the rest of the local people dont really know who he is, he does dominate alot of the local business in his field because he has everyone fooled into thinking he is godlike, yet its always been his boys(workers) that got the job done for little pay, no credit and much physical/mental abuse. It was all over for me anyhow when Christmas week was cut short and I got my pay the following week for two days, which is no holiday pay, cant speak for other places in the world but this is unheard of in the US for those that put it out there for their employers day after day after day. Then I was forced to work New Years Day, another national holiday, just so I could be sure to have a five day pay week. I had money in the bank when I started working for him 5 months ago.... its all gone. So really he got off cheap with my toying with him today... but who says Im done... lol.