What made you sad today?

How is Florida.........

Bipolar weather, too many dumb and ignorant rednecks, highest murder rate in the nation, nothing really that interesting in the smaller parts of the state (especially in the northern most part). But, I don't get out that much and I haven't seen as much of the state as I want to so I can't really judge too much.
In my experience it is people that make a place in the long term. Climate and things like that are all very well in the short term but in the longer haul......it's all about people.
What about people...? Don't confuse me.

How is Florida.........

Bipolar weather, too many dumb and ignorant rednecks, highest murder rate in the nation, nothing really that interesting in the smaller parts of the state (especially in the northern most part). But, I don't get out that much and I haven't seen as much of the state as I want to so I can't really judge too much.
Sounds boring, I was mostly impressed by the hot tropical climate.
He didn't say anything confusing, dude... he's saying it's the people that matter most...
^ Being around people you like is more important than the climate or location, is the idea. For example I'd rather live with people I love even if the climate sucked, than live in a beautiful place where I don't like the people.
Still, what the hell matters about the people around you? There would always be strangers around you and people that you don't like in any place in the world.
Hey Noam, maybe this is why people aren't enjoying your presence here.
Still, what the hell matters about the people around you? There would always be strangers around you and people that you don't like in any place in the world.

Without friends and family around you....you are going to be one lonely person and quite possibly heading down the road to madness and insanity.

There's nothing confusing about it......it's something you will probably appreciate more as you get on in life. You can be in paradise, but if you are there alone....is it really paradise? No-one to share things with etc etc Sounds more like hell to me.
Couldn't have said it better myself, Steve! The idea of a paradise is wonderful, but being the only one there? It'd be nice for a short while, having peace and tranquility.. but it'll quickly drive you insane!
I echo the last two posts in particular.

WMMS: I better have the hearing back in my left ear in time for seeing Power Quest a week on Friday! Been using Ear Drops that appear to be slowly working their magic, hope I manage to sort it sooner rather than later!
I wouldn't normally post two things here in one day but feel the need to on this occasion. The Sony Hack/PSN Outage thingamie. Basically the personal information and (possibly) credit/debit card information of everyone who has or has had a PSN account, which includes myself, has been comprimised. Not happy! :mad:
The irony is the scare-monergering journalism is rushing people to change their passwords which of course you can't do because the servers are down. Least they were when I tried.