What made you sad today?

Just got back from seeing Wolfsbane and...

...Blaze Bayley's gone bald! :(

Welcome to 1998. :p Unless you mean he's shaved the lot off? Unlikely if you ask me - he was always really quite sensitive about his hair loss.

Oh, hold on - thinking about it, it might seem sudden to some people as he's been wearing temporary cosmetic "hair patches" (think a bald patch-shaped wig you glue on) for the past sixish years. (He won't mind me saying considering he was part of a promo for the company doing them :p ). I've not seem much of him lately, but if he's recently taken to not wearing them anymore I can see why people might be surprised.
He's shaved it off completely. As you know he went from wearing a bobble hat at gigs, to wearing the the "hair-patches", then he started wearing either a bandanna or a baseball cap backwards while performing. When I saw Wolfsbane that night, he wore the bandanna for most of the gig, then during the encore pulled it off to reveal his clean shaven pate. It got quite a cheer :lol: . I suppose it had to happen some day.
This is going to sound stupid, but I usually don't care about weight. But after eating a lot at a family BBQ yesterday, my Mum told me not long ago to stop eating... Which to me sounds like she is calling me fat. I admit, I do have a appetite and don't eat fruit or vegetables but I'm not overweight whatsoever. My Mum's comment seemed to have got me down for some reason, I was having a nice relaxing day till that comment.

I don't usually post things like this online, but you guys seem to be supportive for everyone on this forum :)
You don't look overweight to me! Similarly, I always worry about whether or not I look fat :lol: one of the reasons I recently got back into running! I could certainly drop a few pounds, but I'm not fat. Unfortunately those few pounds feel/look so much more to you than others, so it's quite a dilemma!
You don't look overweight to me! Similarly, I always worry about whether or not I look fat :lol: one of the reasons I recently got back into running! I could certainly drop a few pounds, but I'm not fat. Unfortunately those few pounds feel/look so much more to you than others, so it's quite a dilemma!

Thanks mate. I mean, I always call myself an 'obese child' - but that's an expression saying that I enjoy what I eat. I can't help that I don't like healthy stuff. My Nan (from my Dad's side) says it's good to have an appetite. I just wish my Mum would think the same.. She could've been joking, but it's like me turning to her saying 'Go on a diet, you're fat.'

Now I'm exercising like a freak! Lol.
This is going to sound stupid, but I usually don't care about weight. But after eating a lot at a family BBQ yesterday, my Mum told me not long ago to stop eating... Which to me sounds like she is calling me fat. I admit, I do have a appetite and don't eat fruit or vegetables but I'm not overweight whatsoever. My Mum's comment seemed to have got me down for some reason, I was having a nice relaxing day till that comment.

I don't usually post things like this online, but you guys seem to be supportive for everyone on this forum :)

well don't listen to it, be yourself! if you feel good in your body, you feel good!
do what you wanna do, coz life is short enough!
Yep, what Powerray said is similar to what I've told a couple of people over the last couple of weeks when they've mentioned stuff that's getting them down to me. Had to tell to myself more than a fair share of times as well.

Nikki, if you're fat, then I want to be that kind of fat too! You look great and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
On top of the last couple of days not being so good... tonight my PC's hard drive fried, my fan died, and my 4 gigs of RAM have pretty much been made useless. And I certainly can't afford to repair it right now...

>_< I am not in a good place. Just need a break...
Hey now! There'll only be one chubster in this forum and that's me! You, as most attractive girls are wont to endlessly reiterate, are not even close to 'fat' or 'obese' or any of that twoddle. Just be who you want to be not what other people want you to be.

p.s. plenty of fruit & veg is definitely the easiest health fix
Hey now! There'll only be one chubster in this forum and that's me! You, as most attractive girls are wont to endlessly reiterate, are not even close to 'fat' or 'obese' or any of that twoddle. Just be who you want to be not what other people want you to be.

p.s. plenty of fruit & veg is definitely the easiest health fix

Thanks, you. But hey, I actually don't like the stuff. Weird as it sounds, I know! Take Spag Bol for example - If there are too many tomato chunks in the meat, it makes me gag when I chew it and it puts me off the stuff. I have weird taste in food, haha!

Agree with what you say, Steve. PQ fans are amazing, and I'm grateful to be a part of this community. So thank you Power Quest, and thank you everyone on here :)
Thanks, you. But hey, I actually don't like the stuff. Weird as it sounds, I know! Take Spag Bol for example - If there are too many tomato chunks in the meat, it makes me gag when I chew it and it puts me off the stuff. I have weird taste in food, haha!

Agree with what you say, Steve. PQ fans are amazing, and I'm grateful to be a part of this community. So thank you Power Quest, and thank you everyone on here :)
Thank you as well for taking part in this brilliant forum. :)

I'm also glad to see how this thread has gotten quite popular ever since I made it. Maybe we can make it so whenever somebody shares what made them sad.....everybody else tries to help out and cheer up the person in question.
Thanks, you. But hey, I actually don't like the stuff. Weird as it sounds, I know! Take Spag Bol for example - If there are too many tomato chunks in the meat, it makes me gag when I chew it and it puts me off the stuff. I have weird taste in food, haha!

I have sympathy cos I used to be a bit of a fussy eater and I currently live with a mate who simply can't have some veggy type stuff like raw or chunky tomatoes (fruit, I know), mushrooms or courgettes, etc. Until about 17/18 I was vehemently anti-veg and although fruits were sweet n tasty I didn't eat much. I think your taste buds just mature over time up to the point where you wonder how you ever lived without intensely tasty salads ^_^