What made you sad today?

It's my grandpa's birthday and my aunt is over from Canada. My grandpa's really good to me and has recently had health problems and an operation, so I'd like to be there for him and my family. I will confirm for sure the date tomorrow, but I fear that it's the 17th...but family has to come first. Just sucks when it was something I was really looking forward to. :(
It's my grandpa's birthday and my aunt is over from Canada. My grandpa's really good to me and has recently had health problems and an operation, so I'd like to be there for him and my family. I will confirm for sure the date tomorrow, but I fear that it's the 17th...but family has to come first. Just sucks when it was something I was really looking forward to. :(

It's completely understandable, Andy. Get well soon to your Grandpa :( Take care.
Just found out that the engine on my beloved Mazda RX8 has failed at less than 50,000 miles!
Best repair quote so far is £3000 so trust me, I am allowed to be sad today!
Oh man :( Under 50k? Did something happen to it or was it just an unlucky incident?
Well it felt a bit underpowered for the last couple of weeks but I didn't really have chance to take it in due to work. Got half way down the local dual carriageway (Dronfield bypass) and it lost all power. The rest, as they say, is history!