What made you sad today?

That sucks big time! Sorry to hear it.

Further not so good news I've discovered is that it seems those who are in a position to have review copies of the new Sepultura album are saying that the album is really poor. They haven't made any great material for a number of years now but the last two albums did have signs of promise.

Major shame, hope they stick mainly to the earlier material when I see them in Derby later this month!
That sucks, everyone! Thematt, I hope your car troubles get sorted out soon (and for as cheap as possible!) and I'm sorry you had to leave early, PE! That must've been gutwrenching.

Also, Kingface, I read that news too. Awful to hear Uli leaving! Then again, I want him to get better ASAP - what horrible timing for this hand injury! At least he got to play on Symfonia's debut... I hope they get an equally well-known and talented drummer to fill his spot.
Dude...see the shows...miss bus...trek home but walking on a blanket of pure triumphant glory :headbang:

Too bad for Uli leaving Symfonia but at least it was because of his hand and not any animosity, if that's any consolation. All the best for a swift recovery.
Had an awful night/morning out last night. There were 6 of us, one of which is a couple whose house I can often rely on being able to crash at if all else fails. The night itself wasn't that great and I ended up crashing at said house afterwards, where due to a culmination of various things they had an argument from about when we originally got in (4am) for a good hour and a half, which got pretty loud and uncomfortable to overhear towards the end (mainly from the lass).

Due to a combination of this and ending up being the shoulder to cry on for the lass concerned (she chucked the bloke out at the end of the argument) and staying up to talk and everything else, I ended up getting zero hours sleep.

Further discomfort comes from the fact the fact that I'm really good friends with both of them, the bloke I have known since School but the lass I've only known for a few months.

Oh and for the non-UK forumers, in case you are not familiar:

Bloke = Man
Lass = Woman
:( I'm sorry about your night, man. I hope things get better with the couple...
Hope you feel better, Dom! King, one step at a time, things will get better! Take a deep breath :p