What made you sad today?

Hope the foot is better now Nikki!

Continuing the theme of injured feet, I've injured my right foot pretty bad from playing Football (Soccer) earlier today. Had it in a bucket of ice cold water earlier. Hoping it'll be better in the morning and fully recovered in time to play again on Wednesday.
Mike Portnoy apparently sued Dream Theater over this whole departure debacle.

What an embarrassing mess. Wow.
Selfish, inconsiderate people.

For that Thrash All-Dayer I went to in Nottingham yesterday, I was supposed to meet up with a couple of people (Dale and Laura) from Derby who I've seen when I last went to see Gama Bomb in Sheffield back in May. After meeting and chatting with them at that show, they added me on Facebook and all that malarkey. We arranged to meet at Nottingham Train Station, go to the show and then go back to Derby all together with them and their friends too, as they all live in Derby and the Hotel I stayed at is in Derby.

We'd arranged to meet at Nottingham Train Station at 12:30pm. I got there bang on time, waited around the main area where everyone has to go through to get out of the Station until about 1:40pm and still no sign of them. During this time, I even got my Brother to log onto my Facebook and message them with my Mobile Number in case they had Facebook on their Mobiles or whatever. Admittedly I should've got at least one of their numbers before going and that is something I would normally do for something like this but was stupid enough to forget on this occasion.

After going to get some cash and something to eat, I bumped into Dale and a friend of his. Turns out he knew nothing about what time we were supposed to be meet etc because Laura hadn't bothered to tell him (or so he claimed at least, to be fair I believe him) and that she was already at the show because her and her friends decided to get the Bus instead, not telling either of us. We walked to the venue and Laura and her friends were there, after saying our "Hello"s and "How are you?"s etc I asked Laura "What happened to us meeting at Train Station then?" to which she responded with "Oh it just ended up being easier to get Bus". I just acknowledged it but as you can imagine on the inside I wasn't too chuffed about it.

So the show goes on and it was all really good, plenty of beers drunk, had a good laugh etc. After Gama Bomb finished their set, Dale told me he was "just popping out for a Cigarette" so I acknowledged him and he went. I kept looking around the place whilst Onslaught were getting set up etc but no sign of Laura, Dale or any of their friends all the way until Onslaught came on. I forgot about it, enjoyed the hell out of their performance, then afterwards had a quick look round the venue and outside of it, still no sign of them.

I'd got Laura's number earlier, tried ringing her and she hung up after three rings. I text her and she said that she and Dale had gone home and that Dale had told me that he was going. Obviously I told her what he actually told me "just popping out for a Cigarette" and just joked that I might let him off because he was drunk. I made it clear to her that I wasn't too chuffed about them just doing their own thing without giving a shit about me and there's not much more to say on that front really.

I managed to get a Taxi to the Street where the Bus to Derby is and eventually find the right Bus Stop, luckily just in time as the Bus was arriving too. Looking around for a Bus Stop in Nottingham when they are loads, you're not familiar with the area and the streets are full of piss-heads is not fun. Luckily the couple of people I did ask for help were really sound and the last guy luckily knew the area well and with his directions I managed to find it pretty quickly in the end.

Congrats if you've managed to read all of this! I'm just not used to this kind of behaviour from people, especially when it's only your second time seeing them and it's really pissed me off.
Oh Kingface, I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you. People like that are disgustingly vile creatures - Not giving a crap about anyone else but themselves. The fact of the matter is, you had a great time :) And I'm glad you did. I'm sure any of us on here wouldn't do that to you if we were at a gig with you.

Don't get in contact with them again, they're not worth your time. They want to speak to you, they come to you.
Those kinds of people just simply aren't worth bothering anymore. Try to use it as a learning curve and know not to trust people like them again. Sorry you had to deal with yet more of the world's selfish pricks!
That sucks man, those kind of people are just...yuck! Atleast you had a good time apart from that.
My manager is fucking me about at work.

Firstly, I asked him just over a month in advance about having a night off because of my grandparents' 50th Wedding Anniversary - To which he said I had to sort out because he's off that weekend for his Dad's Birthday. Fair enough he has plans, but as a manager, and on the contract when you ask for time off over a month in advance, he has the responsibility of sorting the time off.

Secondly, we have had a discussion about my shifts being changed around and we came to an agreement on which shifts I am now doing. To make sense - I currently work Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings. They have now been changed to Tuesday evening, Saturday and Sunday mornings. But, the weekend that was planned for me to start my new shifts, I am still noted down for working Saturday night then having to work the morning shift the next day, which is illegal. And for this coming week and the week after that, instead of working Thursday evenings he has put me down to work Friday nights, which I had no idea about and he has not discussed with me.

He thinks he can note down shifts without confrontation and expect to get away with it. This is unfair for me and I am stressed out from all of this. I don't know what to do :(