What made you sad today?

give him a call and sort it out, as a manager you're responsible for the workschedule, otherwise tell him you'll go to the trade union to mention this coincidence u have to work the evening and then the morning again...
Well if he doesn't like what I have to say, I'm going to Head Office, simple. I am in tears because of him doing this to me, I'm scared about not getting next Saturday off for the Anniversary night out. I'm making so much effort for this, I don't want to let my Grandparents down :(
Bah screw that guy it's his responsibility. I can't stand people who fail to live up to what's in their job description. Damned incompetence wrecks everyone's day.

Speaking of incompetence - am still gutted that even though money was paid for them me and my mate's tickets for Heidenfest didn't show up because of a computer error on their end :mad::mad::mad:

In retaliation I went to the Irish pub for 7 hours for several stouts and enjoyed England's rugby win and United's win followed by a trip to Hooters :lol:
Bah screw that guy it's his responsibility. I can't stand people who fail to live up to what's in their job description. Damned incompetence wrecks everyone's day.

Unfortunately Dom, he doesn't give a shit about other peoples feelings but himself. Which I suppose all Managers are like that, but he's just beyond harsh.

I'm just gonna get my night off sorted first, that's important right now.
Sorry to hear about your situation Nikki.

In my experience at least it's certainly not true that all Managers just care about themselves, but clearly that seems to be the case with this one.

Try not to let it bother you too much in terms of your own feelings. I know that is easier said then done and I would probably be likely to feel the same way you do right now in the same or similar situation (of which I have been in the past) but if you try and relax about it as much as possible but still confront and not let go of the issue as you certainly shouldn't, chances are things will work out.

You are certainly right to try and talk to him about it again and if he still isn't being reasonable, take your case to Head Office. If you are in a Union, be sure to tell them if your Manager continues to be unreasonable about the situation as well.

@Dom - Do you mean as in you paid for Heidenfest tickets and they didn't arrive in time for the show? If so, sorry to hear that. Something like that, much like Nikki's situation, would piss me off no end. Either way, glad to hear you had a smashing time one way or another!
Sorry to hear that Nikki, hope you get it sorted out!

And sorry for the tickets as well Dom, at least you had a good night out!
Yeah, that's quite a bummer. At least he's not suffering anymore...

WMMS: Last night I was on video chat with Jordan Rudess with about 500 other people. I actually managed to get on live with him and ask him a question. I was sitting on this really rickety, ancient piano bench that's older than I am, and it's been on the verge of collapsing/snapping in pieces for about ten years. Well, of course, as I was asking Jordan a question... the bench snaps and I go tumbling backwards on live camera, in front of him and a worldwide audience :lol: Jordan was like, "Oh no, we lost him! ... Are you okay? I can call 911..."

I asked him what his favorite Beethoven sonata was after that, and he answered by playing the beginning of it (it was the Appassionata) but I was so embarrassed that I couldn't even recognize it >_< Of all the times and places for the bench to break, haha!
Well by god... I thought I had escaped the cruel hands of technology but here we go, everybody..

I was so disturbed by that that I didn't even recognize the Appassionata... oh god...
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