What made you sad today?

Get well soon mate, was starting to get a bad cold a few days ago but I fought it will all sorts of remedies and managed to escape.

Powerray, this is also one of my fave Gamma Ray songs and was the first GR album I bought! That song is great, can you guys hear Michael Kiske in the vocals on the chorus?? He also sings one of the songs on that record as well as doing backing vocals all over the place. Recommended album...
that was also the first gamma ray album i bought ;-) i like GR more without kiske tbh, like Kai's vocals more ;-) Kiske went down the pop genre a couple of years but is coming back to hard-rock and metal with Unisonic, now with Kai Hansen :p
Cheers for the support everyone! Feeling a bit better today, even after a day of work where I was on my own for most of the day because of others being unwell or on Annual Leave, when our department usually consists of four people!
Cheers for the support everyone! Feeling a bit better today, even after a day of work where I was on my own for most of the day because of others being unwell or on Annual Leave, when our department usually consists of four people!

Great to hear man! Hopefully a full recovering soon then!
Unfortunately I spoke too soon. From last night until now, I've never felt so bad in a long long time. My Cough got worse again last night and kept me up for pretty much the entire night. Never had a Cough that's effected me this badly before. Had to take the day off Sick from Work for the first time since I started the Job at the beginning of August.
As I was cycling to work today, I noticed the cars in front of me slowing down without reason. Then ahead of me I saw a single Addidas trainer in the middle of the road, which I thought odd. Looked to my right and saw a car with half of a guys body caught underneath, and a few people standing around trying to help out. Could hear the ambulance sirens in the background. :(

Makes you realise how delicate our life is. Reality check.
The death of Christopher Hitchens made me sad today :( Whether you admired the man's opinions or not, his fierce intelligence, infallible rhetoric and unrelenting rationality were undeniable. He was an exceptionally bright light in dark times and an exemplar for all intellects. I comfort myself with the idea he was quiet Epicurean in his passing:

"death is nothing to us, for good and evil imply the capacity for sensation, and death is the privation of all sentience" - Epicurus, Letter to Menoeceus
I'm not going to lie, I don't know who Christopher Hitchens is. May he rest in peace, however... death is horrible.

Just feeling kind of blue lately. Only get to see Laura once more (New Year's) and then she's leaving for Amsterdam on my birthday. Times like these always make me realize just how much music matters, because it really helps me get through some tough times! Looks like it's going to be a Power Quest evening :lol:
Stuck in a dead end job, working under a jumped up manager who has clearly taken a dislike to me. Confronted about things that were not my doing then not so much as an apology when the error was realised. I desperately need to go to uni so I can get out of this place but I have too many bills to pay and other commitments to be able to leave work or even drop my hours. I was always a high achiever at school yet now I'm working for less than 20k in a job I hate.
Oh no :( I'm sorry to hear that man, I really hope that manager gets the stick out of his rear end and starts treating you better! I know the feeling in regards to being a high achiever at school, yet not earning much in the working world... ugh. Keep your chin up dude.
Stuck in a dead end job, working under a jumped up manager who has clearly taken a dislike to me. Confronted about things that were not my doing then not so much as an apology when the error was realised. I desperately need to go to uni so I can get out of this place but I have too many bills to pay and other commitments to be able to leave work or even drop my hours. I was always a high achiever at school yet now I'm working for less than 20k in a job I hate.

Sorry to hear of your situation, sounds proper sucky. As 1928 says, keep that chin up and I hope things start looking better for you soon.
Stuck in a dead end job, working under a jumped up manager who has clearly taken a dislike to me. Confronted about things that were not my doing then not so much as an apology when the error was realised. I desperately need to go to uni so I can get out of this place but I have too many bills to pay and other commitments to be able to leave work or even drop my hours. I was always a high achiever at school yet now I'm working for less than 20k in a job I hate.

Sorry to hear about the troubles in the workplace mate. I've been there myself in the past and can sympathise with your situation both from the "hating the job" and the "manager with a stick up his ass" perspectives.

Hopefully you can find away to realise the idea of going to University too man.....I had the opportunity many years ago but really screwed it up to be honest. I would certainly take a different approach if I had that time again.....but having said that, I probably wouldn't be typing these words now if things had panned out differently way back when.
Life has a funny way of working itself out if you don't give up on the rudder and direct the energy you can towards wanting better for yourself. Sometimes it's hit and miss but it's better to throw yourself into something and miss than to wonder what might have been if you'd only had the balls to dare. That's what I've learned in any case, if you keep your head and work hard at the details, you hit more often than you miss. Good luck in 2012 everyone, strive for better days!
I work with a bunch of racists. Nothing like a heaping helping of racism to start off your morning. Mhmm.

Plus I have a consultation today with a doctor. I have to schedule an appointment to get all 4 wisdom teeth removed, because they're starting to grow into the roots of my other teeth. Not looking forward to this one single bit.