What made you sad today?

Had an issue at work with a man yesterday. He wanted to use our toilet but for security reasons we're not allowed to let customers use it. He started bickering at me saying that he was a 74 year old pensioner and how he has been a member of the Co-op since he was 10 and all that rubbish. I apologised, telling him it isn't my problem and that I'd get the manager. He then says,

'I think you're acting dumb'

As stupid as it sounds, being partly autistic, being called things like that offends me. So I wasn't a happy bunny, he really got me down. But I'm okay today, though :)
You're not dumb Nikki, we love you! Rude customers are the worst. :(
And I love you all!

Well I said partly, I was actually meant to put mildly autistic. I have Aspergers, y'see. If you know what that means. It's no biggy, but because I was bullied about it so much when I was a child, to hear something like that from someone recently was a shock.
You actually have Asperger's, really? I could never tell! It's okay, at least you know none of your friends will insult you. And anybody who does isn't worth the time of day. Keep your chin up Nikki :)
That's what a lot of people say, 1928! Obviously as I grew up it's not as noticeable I guess, but I had an issue when I started working at where I work when I didn't look at somebody. And he was like, 'Why are you not looking at me?' So I explained it to him, and he thought I was bullshitting. It did hurt, but I got over it quickly.

But thank you for the concern anyway :) Much appreciated.
Groaned about this on social networks but Grooveshark, which I use pretty much all day every day and have 83 playlists for, has gone down in Germany today - indefinitely. Something about royalties making the service financially unviable thanks to GEMA, the same twat-baskets who make a much bigger proportion of music videos in Germany unavailable on YouTube.

I know I have no right to complain. I'm listening to creative works by artists for free without contributing directly to those artists. I only used Grooveshark over say YouTube uploads and so on, because the service paid royalties and bought licences to provide that music, so while I didn't contribute directly, artists & labels were still being paid and that money came from premium user accounts and advertising. It seemed like a lesser, even legal, evil. It's not terribly different from radio after all.

The truth is, thanks to being able to check out bands on GS, I've gone and purchased much more music than ever before. The artists and labels backing GEMA who want consumers to hand over their wallets have instead lost customers and revenue now because of heavy handed approaches like this. You want to muscle content providers out of business and lose income instead of working with them to increase a willing-to-pay userbase? Fine. You'll now push those many millions of users to piracy or 2nd hand sales. Congratulations, I'm sure your artists will love you for that.

That's what a lot of people say, 1928! Obviously as I grew up it's not as noticeable I guess, but I had an issue when I started working at where I work when I didn't look at somebody. And he was like, 'Why are you not looking at me?' So I explained it to him, and he thought I was bullshitting. It did hurt, but I got over it quickly.

But thank you for the concern anyway :) Much appreciated.

This is very interesting. I also have AS, but I'm very much of the outgoing and social guy and it really isn't noticeable in that respect in a normal day-to-day environment. However, what I need and crave are routines and structure, otherwise I fall apart.
I certainly could not tell from the couple of times I've met you Nikki! Whenever I feel someone is trying to put me down unfairly or is being ignorant or unfair, similar to the fashion of the Customer you mention, I just tell myself something around the lines of "well at least I'm not a terrible person, unlike that guy/girl!".

I actually had a minor form of AS at a young age. They say it never truly goes away but based on how I feel about what I'm generally like, plus observations from my Family and Doctors in the past suggests that it pretty much doesn't affect me at all nowadays, although I have always been shy by my nature (although I feel I've become a lot less shy in the last few years, but still the tendencies are there depending on the situation I'm in), so maybe that is a still an effect of AS to an extent?

I've been told it used to effect my speech more than anything and I didn't speak my first word until I was 3 years old.
Yeah, AS is a lifelong disability. But yeah, I was told when I was a child I didn't really start talking till I was 6 years of age. I confidence didn't start coming out till I was about 14 but that was because of my current best friends. If it weren't for them, I swear to God I don't know where I'd be right now. Dom, being friendly has nothing to do with AS, it's just how I am ;)
I am walking on the razor's edge with my parents. Somehow I was born into this family, all five other people in which I absolutely, 100% disagree with on just about every aspect of life. Sometimes, I hate being as liberal as I am.
Sorry to hear that mr Johnson. That's what the right wants you to feel like though. Don't give them the idea that being progressive, open minded and for equality are somehow traits to feel ashamed of. Shame on those who aren't, say I.
Thanks guys, I appreciate the kind words.

Kingface, I'm sorry to hear of your loss. I hope you and your family are doing well. :(