What other fav bands you have?

Originally posted by HellSpawn
and damn... I cant drink milk any more eather :bah:
I'm elergic to it... and I love milk! H-melk hele veien! :grin:

Oh, poor you! I don't think I'd survive without milk. Men jeg drikker lett melk; har ikke sett økologisk h-mjølk noen gang. (...det blir alltid sånn; lett melk er lett melk, men jeg sier alltid h-mjølk... veit ikke hvorfor...) Hehe, and a good explanation of brown cheese you had there!

@opacity: Brown cheese is made from goats' milk. It's boiled for a long time, until it becomes a thick sort of porrige, almost, that we call "prim". You can buy that, to, and I like it very much. When it has become thick like that, it is set in a old place so that it becomes solid, and then you have brow cheese. :) It doesn't have any crust; the whole thing is brown.

edit: And yes, ecological milk comes from happy cows :) :p
Milk is one of the most disgusting things on earth :Puke: :grin:

I hate the smell of hot white milk as much as i hate the smell of liver in the oven.... *yuck*
strangely enough I "eat" milk with my cereals (the ultimate food!!!!!!),but usually chocolate milk....and not much..i don't want the cereals to swim in there....
I even cooked spaghetti using milk instead of butter the other day *yummy*
I never drink milk though.....
strange..... i can't really explain this habit... but well all my food preferences/habits are peculiar

mmmm i would love some freshly baked bread....plain... *yummy*

you mean hot milk really smells???
it's 22 years since I started drinking hot milk each morning and I've never noticed....
and well when I ate cereals, I usually did it without milk. And I stopped when they stopped distributing Frooty Loops in Spain

fathervic (frooty loopy)
weeeeeeeeeeell,to me it does... :rolleyes: i know i am stupid with some things....
but well i am a troll after all,i can't be like normal people ;)

Frooty loops...hmm i'm not sure i have eaten....
I eat cereals without milk,too, when i don't have chocolate milk and feel tooo disgusted to eat the white one...
or when i just want to munch something....

another cool things i do with cereals is : cornflakes with yoghurt and pieces of fresh banana *yummy*

and in the summer.....hehe.....Corn flakes with ice-cream!!! I love it.... :D

~Mel~ (special K and chocolate musli worshipper)
I don't like milk... even if I should drink more of it, as osteoperosis (sp?) runs in my family... oh well...

I drink a lot of fruit juice...

Hmm... speaking of nicknames, my friend calls me a vampire all the time...

Milk is EVIL... quoted from percythechickendotcom...
I only drink pure milk cold.... or I only drink cold milk pure -hehe, both ways i guess :grin: And I only drink chocolate milk warm - and only warm chocolate milk. :p And I don't usually bake my own bread, no; don't have time for that, and it's not that amusing either. Just sometimes.... And I prefer my mothers bread instead of my own.... even though it's the same recipe.

And I could never eat cereals with anything else than cold, pure milk. -But then, I'm not too fond of ice cream, desserts and cakes and such, sooooo... guess that explains it.
I suppose creal is for the harvested stuff, as not countable thing... but well as for breakfast (nightfast for me) it's just like counting them so there we have...one two and three cereals :p

fathervic (counting cereals)
I looked it up......
you can say "cereals" when u use the word as " a plant grown to produce grain for food as wheat,rice etc"...for example Oats and barley are cereals

but maybe we can't say the same for the cereal(s) i love.....

when i say cereals i don't mean every single bit of a cereal..i use it implying several type of cereal..i mean Kellog's special K,Crunch,musli blah blah