What other fav bands you have?

Originally posted by astarte
i'm a vegetarian :ill: ;)

I can picture the tr00 blackmetaler....spikes on the arms....and on his plate, just hunted down, the still breathing and bleeding....lettuce ;) :p hahahhaha
(no offence meant :D )

fathervic ( :rolleyes: )
FV@ watch your mouth...uhmmm fingers...or i will turn you into a frog :muahaha: :p :p
i am half-vegetarian.. or sth like that..my eating preferences and habits are messy and complicated.....

today i ate cereals for lunch and cereals for dinner :) chupi food.....

but tomorrow i'll eat sth more tr00....possibly spaghetti.... cooked by me...hope i won't die ;)

Well seems every band I like has been mentioned here :) I just got a few samples of Skyclad today and WOW! This is great, I am gonna get some of their albums in the near future.
Where are the fave bands list? Why are you talking about tasty food? You made me hungry dammit!!! :mad:

Gotta see if there's still some grilled meat covered with molten cheese and french fries that I ate today.
Originally posted by FatherVic

I can picture the tr00 blackmetaler....spikes on the arms....and on his plate, just hunted down, the still breathing and bleeding....lettuce ;) :p hahahhaha
(no offence meant :D )

fathervic ( :rolleyes: )

I know many vegetarian black metalers...! Is that a weird combination? In that case I know lots of weird ppl....

But I really don't understand how haburgers can be anyones favourite food!! :eek: I can eat them sometimes, but I get sick of 'em so quick. My favourite food is fresh, warm home made brown bread with butter, brown cheese and strawberry jam, with a BIG glass of cold (ecologic, of course) milk! :grin:
-Ooooo, that was not very smart to write; now I want it, and that means I have to bake a bread!! :bah: ...damn...
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
...warm home made brown bread with butter, brown cheese and strawberry jam, with a BIG glass of cold (ecologic, of course) milk! :grin:
and only from happy cows of course :p

what is brown cheese? :guh: brown crust?
mmmm... sounded good Fjelltussa :grin:
love fresh homemeade bread... just that I dont like brown chees anymore, dont know why really, kinda weird since it was one of my favs before :confused:

and well, brown chees is... it is chees that is brown :lol: