What other GMDers influenced your music taste the most?

It definitely is. But for some reason, news of releases and labels themselves love to post info there.

I'm also of the opinion metal isn't a brotherhood but motherfuck I don't want to talk to a bunch of angry at the world, foaming at the mouth bullet belt wearing want to be nazis all the time.

In the immortal words of Fenriz, "this is every man for himself, man."
I enjoy hanging out with with my ever growing list of metal friends a lot but I do find the whole "metal brotherhood" to be ridiculous. I am just a social person regardless.
Most people I've met IRL who are into my more obscure band interests tend to be annoying faggots. I find old-school metalheads - literally, old dudes who just pick at the surface of the genre for decades - to be the most enjoyable of metal brethren.

They celebrate similarities instead of scoffing at differences. Fists up.
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I regret not making any mention to one of my students that regularly showed up with metal t-shirts. He had the highest grade in his section too and seemed like a chill dude, not some try-hard tr00 fuck.
I regret not making any mention to one of my students that regularly showed up with metal t-shirts. He had the highest grade in his section too and seemed like a chill dude, not some try-hard tr00 fuck.

You're definitely one of the bigger tryhards here in your own weird way, so he would probably have just beat you up anyway.
My proudest moment as a teacher so far is teaching a really bad kid in my self contained class special Ed class how to put on his eyeliner properly.He is a self proclaimed "goth" but he needs to listen to better music. my students are too young for metal :(
I saw a girl in a Gorguts shirt at my college the other day, looked great too!

I've told students nice shirt before, to a couple of Megadeth fans. One dude recommended that I listen to Tool...
i've seen queensryche, summoning and satyricon shirts in my town, but in the main everyone here listens to top 40 shit, drum 'n bass or pub rock standards.
My campus has had a few relatively tr00 types.

I made a post a while ago about how I saw a cute Asian girl in what I thought was a Bathory hoodie, but just a few weeks ago I saw some dude with what I also thought was a Bathory hoodie and it just turned out to be some weird star thing so that girl probably never had one in the first place.

There was also a landwhale in a class immediately following my ochem, and the most kvlt thing I saw her wear was probably a Necrovore hoodie. but she had lots of stuff like that.

Also a buff dude wearing an Unquestionable Presence t-shirt and Ray-Bans just randomly in a hall one time, I wanted to suck his dick at the time.

Oh and some skinnier but still attractive guy in a cyan Hirax logo t-shirt of all things.

And a member of this forum too, but I didn't let him know that I knew who he was.
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Here it's a lot of -core music, still a lot of nu-metal and the occasional entry-level death metal.

Actually, there's this short Udo Dirkschneider lookalike with a mullet that's lived near me for years and he has a Manowar logo tattooed on his inner forearm and it's not a small tattoo either. He was probably a massive legend back in his day.
I actually can't remember. Maybe doden's gay. I'm not sure. I actually think, going back, it was those fucking signature bars people had that had loads of metal logos on them, I used to youtube the bands (back then, there was a good chance they wouldn't even be on it).