What other music do you listen to?

Originally posted by godisanathiest
Yeah, it wil be all the more commercial ones, not my favourite one :( U know they still have over 40 songs from the mellon collie sessions alone that weren't ever put on cd :eek: So much we're missing out on.....

40 :eek: , is that aside from the aeroplane flies high (i could have made a untasteful joke here, but i wont) box set? that box set is fucking great. theres so many demo tapes and shit lying around, i need some more :loco:
Well besides Katatonia Im pretty much a rivethead
Acumen Nation
Suicide Commando
Funker Vogt
Velvet Acid Christ
Skinny Puppy
Razed In Black
Front Line Assembly

some goth

London After Midnight
The Cruxshadows
Bella Morte

And some \m/
In Flames
OH and i forgot to mention:

Dimmu Borgir (stop laughing at the back)...
Cradle of Filth (ditto)...

godisanathiest-we shouldnt be laughing at this person! we should be trying to reform them!

requiem, if you havent, check out dissection's storm of the lights bane, where most of cradle's riffs originally came from.
try it or maybe some old old mans child.
:goggly: hehe old old mans child.....damn! theres a cute bat on the cover of 'born of the flickering.' the bat is not as sexy as the naked bloody chicks...but then, i dont know about you but i like to get my porn seperate from my cds. :muahaha:
Originally posted by Evisceratrix
that box set does rule! my mom got it for me at a yard sale-for 10 dollars!!!!!!!!

:eek: :D

i got it new for £32, works out as a pound a song, with a free box and booklet, and now since theyve split its like £52 in HMV the last time i saw. but $10, wow thats cheap, well done to your mum, give her a pat on the back. :)
ok with this best of, is there going to be like a limited edition two cd one and a regular one? i just heard that...but since no one had mentioned it i wanted to see if anyone could verify.....
oh, and i patted my mom on the back.
she smiled :p.
she is the queen of the yard sales, and she knows it!
-Edge of sanity
-Bal Sagoth
-Arcturus (older ones)
-The Gathering
-Devin Townsend
-My Dying Bride
-In Flames

Here are few of the bands I listen to apart from Katatonia...
There are others too, but these I listen to the most.
Originally posted by _Transparent_
40 :eek: , is that aside from the aeroplane flies high (i could have made a untasteful joke here, but i wont) box set? that box set is fucking great. theres so many demo tapes and shit lying around, i need some more :loco:

Yeah apart from that. In Billy's wprds they've got enough material recorded for over 10 more albums if he wants to release it
Originally posted by Evisceratrix
OH and i forgot to mention:

godisanathiest-we shouldnt be laughing at this person! we should be trying to reform them!

requiem, if you havent, check out dissection's storm of the lights bane, where most of cradle's riffs originally came from.
try it or maybe some old old mans child.

Actually I don't think he was laughing at me, but at my 'no laughing' joke. Nevertheless, I have heard Dissection, yet I don't feel the need to be reformed from liking the bands I mentioned. I don't care about 'the real deal'... I just like what I like. I know many people don't like Dimmu Borgir for whatever reason, but they're not as commercial as Katatonia, who you appear to be a fan of.

And Old Man's Child is plastic metal and to me quite boring....

actually, i like a lot of commercial bands. whether a band is "commercial" or not does not dictate if i like them. and i would seriously contest that dimmu is less commercial than katatonia-at least thats the case where i live...at least one dimmu cd is always in stock at the commercial as hell nationwide-chain store i work in. while the only way ive been able to get a katatonia cd in the store is by special ordering it for myself and sneaking it out on the shelves. they wont send katatonia in our regular shipments. and i cant even get the tonights music ep through my store, theres "no listing" for it...

and look-i was just being silly about the "reforming" you shit. sorry it came across otherwise! really, dont take me so seriously!
in fact i actually own every cradle of filth cd and listen to them on occation...i just think the gothic romantisism shit gets old, and wanted to suggest some other stuff with undoubtably superior content. thats all.

I just like what I like. I know many people don't like Dimmu Borgir for whatever reason, but they're not as commercial as Katatonia, who you appear to be a fan of.

Bullshit, Katatonia is absolutly uncommercial. and Borgir selling 5x-7x more CDs than Katatonia. Anyway I don't think than DB is commercial band also. Its not fucking backstreetboys...
Melody = Commerce? Idiotic vision
Exept KATATONIA : Tritania, TOT, Cryhavoc, Sentenced, Satyricon, Moonspell, My dying Bride ... and so on, but those are the best
Well, obviously I don't think Katatonia are commercial in the sense that they sell copious amounts of albums. I was referring more to the accessability of the music. My girlfriend quite likes Katatonia, but she hates Dimmu- not because she thinks Dimmu are pawns of the fashionable black metal movement out to make their fortune- but simply because they're too extreme for her tastes.....

Don't get me wrong, I prefer Katatonia hands down. I just never really understood why Dimmu gets so much shit. Yes, they are pandering to an image (show me a black metal band that doesn't), and yes, I'm sure much of what they do is dictated by album sales. Nevertheless the music is still fairly extreme, and after all, it is the music that counts. Polished as hell; melodic; whatever, but still unlikely to be played on commercial radio.
well, ill give them this, their singer had a damn sexy black skirt thingy on when i saw them live. heeh..not that he was sexy, he definately wasnt. the skirt was. i want to design clothes so i look at these things :)
nicholas from COF was with them, and that was cool. he seemed like a really nice guy....i think its funny, of all the concerts ive been to, between the blackmetal and death metal and blah blah blah, of bands that utilize this "evil" image, you know only person ever seemed really evil and scary to me? and that was the lead singer of bile. a dude in an industrial/techno band-how weird is that? no corpse paint just sickness. i couldnt talk to the dude he freaked me out so bad!

I mean I like nsync!
haha LOL i go with the backstreet boys myself...after that alcoholism shit happened with the one member, they are like the motely crue of pop! :rock:
Requiem - there are hundreds of black metal bands not just pandering an image. How can say that? Every band has their own image, but they are not always for the image, or using the image as a main selling point such as Dimmu or Cradle. I would say Emperor has a definite image, but they haven't used the black metal "look" as a selling point since "Nightshade", & what about Ember or Impaled Nazarene? They don't "pander" to an image, they pander to their music.
Originally posted by Orias
I would say Emperor has a definite image, but they haven't used the black metal "look" as a selling point since "Nightshade", & what about Ember or Impaled Nazarene? They don't "pander" to an image, they pander to their music.

I think you mean 'Nightside' rather than 'Nightshade', but I understand where you're taking this. I've seen live photos of Emperor with Isahn's eyeliner and plastic spikes on his shoulder from about a year ago...

And was it not a band called Imapaled Nazarene who so tastefully posed for a photo shoot with shotguns?

Image indeed...