What people think of SX's performance at PP

May 9, 2003
I just was looking at the PPUSA message board and people didn't seem to think too much of Symphony X. They said something about the sound was up too loud or somithing and one guy was critisizing Romeo's playing. Even more so they were saying they playetd a bad setlism. Now I can see the sound messing up and ruining it somewhat, but to say they played a bad setlist, and also say the set was filled with too many heavy songs? That is like one of the best setlists they could ever come up with! And I think there was a decent amount of slower songs in the mix like the accolades. I wasn't there, so if anyone that went could tell me if it was really bad or if it is just people talking that don't like SX?
LOL!!!!!!!....that is like the best answer ever!

Anyway, they were like so angry that there were younger people there and that there was a moshpit of somesort. I like to just watch sometimes but if you just sat or stood there the WHOLE time it would suck cause if the music doesn't make you want to headbang or jump or wave you arms like you just don't care than it can't be very good music! I can understand the complaint ppl had with a guy who was holding up a huge poster during Nightwish and a lot of ppl couldn't see...now that would piss me off too. I am also angry that not a one person said anything good about Secret Sphere, and also that they put down their newest album. The newest album is the only one I have so far and what got me liking them, I think these guys deserve so much more respect, I am surprised the more prog heavy people don't like them, they have plenty of power metal heavy songs, prog heavy songs, and power/prog songs. Maybe they sound bad live or their equipment wasn't working right...I don't know.
i heard one guy there saying that Romeo plays like a robot months ago, so i wouldnt really worrey about it
Symphony X is too heavy for most prog snobs? sheesh I cant imagine what they would think of Opeth then. I wasnt there either so I have no idea what they sounded like. personally if its SyX it would have to be REALLY shitty quality for me not to think it kicked ass.
My friend went and he said SyX rocked, hes definately more than a metal fan tho.

Honestly, I think the one band that people should have ferrets put in their pants if they missed was RAGE. Everyone who saw them said they stole the show, and I think its a damn shame that a band like them has been around for 15 years, never play america, then when they do, a good chunk of the audience leaves cause they arent familiar with them??? Ferrets for them all, I say...
symphonyXjapan said:
LOL!!!!!!!....that is like the best answer ever!

Anyway, they were like so angry that there were younger people there.
why that?? I, myself, am also just 16. I think they should be glad to see that there are still some younger people with a good music taste..:)
I don't think the majority of the complaints were aimed at the band themselves, but at the fact that the sound was too loud. I was lucky enough to watch from backstage, so it wasn't a problem for me, though, so I couldn't really give an opinion as to the volume levels out in the crowd..however, set-wise, they did a kickass set.
Lady of the Oracle said:
I don't think the majority of the complaints were aimed at the band themselves, but at the fact that the sound was too loud. I was lucky enough to watch from backstage, so it wasn't a problem for me, though, so I couldn't really give an opinion as to the volume levels out in the crowd..however, set-wise, they did a kickass set.
I agree. I was in the front row and it didn't sound too loud to me, but a lot of people were complaining about the volume (including big fans of SX) from further back. Incidentally, there were volume complaints about other bands as well.

I don't think it has much to do with "prog snobs." Some people think they're too heavy, but most people who go to ProgPower do not, in my experience. Certainly Evergrey is just as heavy.

I thought Symphony X went over really well. Of course reactions will be mixed because there are a lot of different fans at ProgPower. Some of them just aren't into SX or Romeo, and that's fine. But I don't think most who were familiar with the music had any complaints about the band's actual performance.

SX was WAY too loud - if you get blown backwards the minute you open the door into the floor, it's too loud. But that was a consistent problem with most bands, not just them. The mix was a little blurry. When I saw them in April, though, *they* sounded perfectly clear and Stratovarius was just one wall of sound with the instruments barely distinguishable.
I guess it all depended on where you were for the show because I too was in the front row and didn't find a problem with the sound. Their set list would have kicked more ass if they included Awakenings, but I say that only because it's my personal favorite. I also think moshing is stupid, but I honestly didn't know it was going on behind me. I had plently of fun singing/screaming my lungs out and holding my arms up until losing all circulation in them ;) On the topic of Rage, I thought they were awesome, they were the reason I attended the second night. It was all the Everygrey nerds that left. :Smug:
jaimek said:
SX was WAY too loud - if you get blown backwards the minute you open the door into the floor, it's too loud. But that was a consistent problem with most bands, not just them. The mix was a little blurry. When I saw them in April, though, *they* sounded perfectly clear and Stratovarius was just one wall of sound with the instruments barely distinguishable.

try earplugs.. I always wear earplugs if the music isn't worth damaging my hearing. Metal should be loud though.
I was dumb and I didn't wear earplugs at the show in March at the Rockhouse. I regretted it for five days afterwards when my ears rang constantly. It was easily the loudest show I've ever been to.
karelrulez said:
try earplugs.. I always wear earplugs if the music isn't worth damaging my hearing. Metal should be loud though.

I did wear earplugs, and it was still ridiculous. :P Loud is good, but it gets to a point where the sound guy is just jackin' off.
BastrdDrmr said:
Yeah, I'm only familiar with 5 on the bands that played at ProgPower. Secret Sphere is not one of them, so I can't really say anything about them.

that is the reason I got angrier at myself about 2 weeks before the show for not being able to go. At first all I cared for was SX, Evergrey, and Nightwish. But during the good 3-4 months before the festival the CIIC album came out and I loved it. And I bought the new SS album and loved it too! I also got into Pagan's Mind as well, therefore, I wanted to see just about every band playing pretty badly by the time of the festival.