What r u Listening to?

And right now I'd like to say I'm listening to something totally amazing, but unfortunately I'm hearing Ken playing muzak versions of Teach Your Children and Across The Universe. I feel like I'm working in effing Macy's. :puke:
Not only did he listen to it, it was fresh in his head when he shot them down...I had just sent him a promo of their discs. Glad they played ProgPower...at least Glenn has balls to book good bands...whether they are known or unknown.

Is there something personal b/t Ken and the RoSfest promoter?
Is there something personal b/t Ken and the RoSfest promoter?

George must have an issue with us. I don't know but I have to assume so. I do know that in all the years he's run Rosfest he has only knowingly booked one of our bands - District 97. I offer him bands every year and every year he shoots them down.

It can be frustrating but I will keep offering him bands. Hopefully he will book one of them in the future.

I thought Haken would have been a good choice to open up the scope of the festival a bit. He did say he liked the music but for whatever reason (he didn't explain why) he decided to pass on them.

You just keep trying.