What Should they make album/songs about? What kind of music styles should be used?

I would like some thrash with Mikael's voice, some kind of Bloodbath type of sideproject with him as a vocal, is there any band like this already? With music like Evile or Bonded By Blood but with Mike's style of vocals?
Opeth need to implement bagpipes in their music and the songs should all be about watching porn.
im good with what they do, although id love to hear more "ballads" like burden, if you want to call it that, really shows off mikaels talent as a singer
Back to the source, Orchid and Morningrise.

To me, the spirit of Opeth reside in the two first albums (Some parts of My Arms Your hearse too).

Something bordering on a "The Twilight Is My Robe", in the connection with the touch of a "Requiem" with the enthusiasm of an "The Apostle In Triumph", the alchemical plurality of a "Black Rose Immortal".

I request the essence.
I'd love for the bass to be more prominent for just one album. That's the only reason I prefer Justin Chancellor from Tool; even though his basslines are much more simplistic than Mendez's, they practically act as another guitar in some Tool songs.

But if that's too much for Mike, forget it, I'm perfectly happy with the path they're on now; Ghost Reveries and Watershed were the shit.
I think they should get more extreme with their metal parts. Axenrot is fit for that. Some Cannibal Corpse orientated riffing would be amusing in some places.
I think they should discover the music that lies inbetween the heaviness and the softness. They have started with Watershed. Now get in there and discover what you can do with this line-up!
How about a new style of music? They could try a cross between bluegrass and rap, or maybe hip-hop and polka. Or how about new age and speed metal?

In all seriousness, though, the guys should simply go whatever direction they desire. The music will have more feeling if it's not contrived to fit into some sort of box.
I think it's time for Mike to do another concept album. This time properly done and in order.
It should have the Ghost Reveries drums, BWP Guitar tone and chords changes, Morningrise Bass lines (not too much), MAYH twin Guitars, Damnation meets Watershed Keys and the Aggresive sound of Heir Apparent and Hessian Peel. Also wouldn't mind another Credence like ballad. My opion anyway.