what shows are you going to in 2013 so far???

WOW!!!!!!!! what a big reveal. I am sure all 5 of us here are all racing to tabloids on this info!!!!!!

Yep, it would have increased the attendance by at least 5.
(IE - we would have 5 members!!! LOL)

All kidding aside, it would have been a cool show to play.
I think RIVAL are a great unknown band around these parts.
I hear a more Warning/40 Watt Sun thing than anything, but I'm only familiar with 'New Dark Age' (and it's great). Is the other LP different?
Sorry, I don't really care as I don't have the hardon for Solstice that you do. LOL.

I am speaking of LAMENTATIONS era SOLSTICE.

Keep in mind ,I have only heard one full Pallbearer, which is why I only stated that I caught a "vibe" of Solstice.
I agree that there is some Lamentations in their sound. Its just that I find Pallbearer to be complete shit.

Fair enough. I haven't heard enough to make my own conclusion on them.
I like what i have heard enough to possibly explore more (IE - if their album becomes a $5 download or I see their disc on a trade list).
I've got tickets for Uli Roth and Ragnarokkr. Nothing else for me coming up, unless the Helloween/Gamma Ray tour comes to the US. Andre Matos just announced he's playing all of "Angels Cry" on his upcoming tour. I'd love to see that, but there's no way that will come to the US.
I've got tickets for Uli Roth and Ragnarokkr. Nothing else for me coming up, unless the Helloween/Gamma Ray tour comes to the US. Andre Matos just announced he's playing all of "Angels Cry" on his upcoming tour. I'd love to see that, but there's no way that will come to the US.

I look forward to hanging out with you at Ragnarokkr. I almost had Noble Beast for you but it didnt work out.
Not terribly excited about this years DOTD fest.......
Definitely more interested in WOM.
Just don't know yet about annual family vacations, and other family events going on this year.
Jason told me you tried to get Noble Beast. Thanks! Maybe next year.

Yep, I talked to them a month or so ago. I wanted them for the second stage and they have a strong anti pay to play belief. I myself agree to this as well and it is nice to see a band still have ethics. I would have loved for them to play. I think they would have added a lot to the second stage. I even tried to get them on the mainstage as opener but Vindicator took that spot. I am going to push for them huge in 2014.
Bragging time....

Depeche Mode
Cruciamentum/Anhedonist/Abigail/Speedwolf/Kromosom/Rotten Sound
Satan's Satyrs
Suicidal Tendencies
Cannibal Corpse/Magrudergrind/Immolation
Blood Ceremony
Fates Warning

most importantly.....PRAGUE DEATH MASS -- Vemod/Mgla/Hetroertzen/Negative Plane/Hades/One Tail One Head/Sortilegia/Obscure Burial/Acherontas/etc
I saw Depeche Mode back in college, around 93 or so.
It was the album after Violator, whatever it was called.
Great show actually.

So far for me:
Diamond Head
Days of the Doomed (maybe)
Leatherwolf (maybe)
Helloween (Yeah, why not, I am playing it anyhow, may as well watch them)
Fates Warning

Also a couple potential shows in the works for Ancient Dreams....