What song/album/band changed your perspective on music?

You mean the typical teenage angst lyrics? FWAAARK

yes, but the difference is that it's about a real big thing here what machine head did. not singing about some lame love experiences.

with machine head it was all about being signed or not.. they had to choose between being signed and write one or 2 radio songs, or not being signed and just write an album that is just about the three ( later four) of them making fucking metal.. and i respect them a lot for chosing the last option
At the age of 10 I went to stay with my cousin and her husband for a couple of days. He had loads of Iron Maiden records... I remember thinking all the artwork was super cool, but the one that did it for me was a 12" single of Be Quick Or Be Dead. I played it over and over those two days. It changed my life forever!

Later on Metallica's AJFA became the first album that made me realise that I liked faster, more raw metal...

Then when I heard Suiciety by Realm I realised there was a whole world of exciting thrash out there, and it could be crazy progressive and unpredictable. After that I ordered loads and loads of thrash CDs without knowing what each band sounded like... it was a very exciting time for me musically.
I hadn't really heard much metal. I had accidentally listened to a Bathory song but I didn't get it, a Motorhead song but it didn't yet click.

Then I heard Blackened by Metallica. I said "What, I thought they only played enter sandman slow shit?!" Boy, was I wrong. I started digging through their stuff and now here I am.

Raven changed my perspective on music. All For One..... What is there to say? It is a life changing album, a life changing band. There is NOTHING like it.

Also, Robb doesn't have a dick of death. His dick doesn't wrap around his leg!

( vio-lence joke >_> )
To be honest System of a Down - Chop Suey! was the song that changed my view on music. Before that I was never really that into music, because all I had heard up until that point was the usual pop/hip hop/pop rock on the radio. Something clicked when I heard that song, and I started exploring a shit load of bands. Upon listening to Metallica for the first time a few weeks later, I picked up a guitar and never looked back. After that, music quickly became my obsession, and always will be. :kickass:
Yes, because their last two albums have been chock full of that stuff, right?

Oh. Wait.


You just have to look at one song really.

"WHY DO I HATE MY FATHER? (Because he took my playstation away) I HAtE YOU! WAAAAA! OR DO I HATE MYSELF? (I cut myself at night)"

Typically emo lyrics there.

And in the same song:

"I'm wasted and ugly, I am the underbelly,
A fat fuck and a fairy,
The reject they wish to bury."

Seriously, he sounds like a self conscious 14 year old girl.

Don't know why I'm being so harsh against the man, got nothing against him really. (I actually quite like that song, but it's ruined by the generic angsty lyrics which make me cringe)
Grand Theft Auto Vice City. V rock.
Without realising I had listened to Slayer, Megadeth, Anthrax and Maiden.

Other than that I would say Infected Nations and Allison in Hell as they both got me into a wider array of metal.

You just have to look at one song really.

"I'm wasted and ugly, I am the underbelly,
A fat fuck and a fairy,
The reject they wish to bury."

Is that Slanderous from "The Blackening"? I fuckin hate that song.....