this is the first time i post in this thread, so baring in mind what all others have said before me, the best Symphony X song-sections which should be learned for:
1) a great practice
2) a show-off of skills infront of other people
3) the fact that they are so damn good
...are (in my opinion):
1- The amazing long intro-solo of Out Of The Ashes.... reeks of technicality and is neo-classical at its best. The hardest part is at the end where the real neoclassical shit kicks in.
2- Smoke and Mirrors' intro whole-fretboard shred sweep....* try playing it the same way Romeo does and then try playing it while shifting all sweeps into major and minor patterns only. ie: without doing any of the bar-sweeps.... kind of more challenging this way
3- Sea Of Lies: play the whole intro + the string skipping section (try it legato for a better challenge) + the tapping section. cool to play... would impress any person who understands guitar... it would impress people who know nothing about guitars as well !!!
3a- Sea of Lies: play the string-skipping-tapping section that follows the fast bass frenzy section. It's not very hard like some have already mentioned, but the trick is in getting it to sound good and clean.... and here lies the challenge
4- The massive solo of "The Turning".... pretty tricky at first, but will prove to be a very good practice in the long run plus a joyful experience to play... the hardest part in my opinion is when the sweeping kicks in at the end.. the sweeping itself is not hard at all, but the final part of the sweeping contains a massive sweep-slide-slide-sweep which i still can't do till now (unfortunately)

.... hope others here will have better luck than me in doing it

otherwise, this solo piece is amazing.
5- "In the Dragon's Den" is also quite a challenge to play from what i've heard (I personally haven't tried playing it yet) !!! the lead sections and solos are near damn impossible according to the people who tried to play it... but from what i've read on this thread, I think there are quite a few musicians here who are more than capable of pulling this one off.... so good luck with it... I might be trying it soon too
Happy shredding people