My argument against your points is the following:
You haven't tried the amp, so you dont know what the fuck you are talking about.
I do respect you, and what you have contributed to this forum, but seriously, just give it up.. No, i dont associate Fender with Higain, but i dont associate Marshall or Mesa/Boogie with Higain either.
Your only argument seems to be that Fender are mostly involved with vintage gear.. which is a pretty weak one if you ask me.
You have a problem with Fender as a brand, and thats fine and all.. but why do you even argue about it when openly admit that you never played the 5150III?
Didnt you stay away from Fenders due to them NOT being higain before? And now that they made one, something has to be wrong with it, right?
if i had a problem with fender as a brand then well i would not have stated earlier on that hot rods, deluxe etc are amazing amps and i wouldn't have played a telecaster for 5 years if i didn't like fender.
fender ARE mostly involved in vintage gear, clean tones, jazz works etc - its a known fact that thats what they mostly specialize in.
"Marshall or Mesa/Boogie with Higain either"
that really doesn't make sense - ask any average dude who's heard of marshall amps - he's going to mention a band who use hi-gain (ranging from ozzy to guns n roses upwards in gain) he's not going to say a fucking jazz band. marshall are known for there amazing distortion tonality and harmonics - fender are known for there amazing clean tones - nobody can deny this! im serial

P) everyone knows the famous wall of marshals and associates it with distortion

idnt you stay away from Fenders due to them NOT being higain before? And now that they made one, something has to be wrong with it, right?:
i dont know what time period your quoting there. let me state my feelings on fender and gain. fenders are perfect for clean tones, fender + clean = sex, fender and slight gain works very well together but the second you take the gain level past standard rock fenders just dont deliver. i've played through a deville, deluxe, d-reverb and yup we even had a blackface (it was so cool) in college, both have amazing clean tones, the second you force the gain up to pull a high gain tone (and hit the red channel and use the gain boost it instantly turns to over compressed and un clear. the blackface really couldn't cut it - its a jazz players amp at heart
thats what runs me to my decision that fenders dont cut it for high gain. if they did then they would have produced high gain amps in the past - why did they stay away from it? why when rock and metal came into the scene back in the late 70's did fender not jump onto the wagon and start making them? yet marshall did - thats why marshals are not known for there famous clean tones - because there not that amazing
and for i believe the 4th or 5th time now "You haven't tried the amp, so you dont know what the fuck you are talking about"
dude and everyone else - i know i haven't tried the amp - i stated it constantly - im basing my reasons on past experiences with fenders, research and general knowledge. maybe if i tried one i would like it - all i simply set out to do is to state from my knowledge fender sucked at high gain amp production and perhaps they still do - the safer bet would be to stick with an amp known for being high gain ie: marshall, peavey, mesa, krank etc (you know the list)
reason i picked my peavey 6505+ - reading reviews, reading comments on here, before i bought it i never even got to try one in ireland - there were none in the country - i went to every half decent music shop i knew of and no one had one in stock because in this country its a "specialized" amp due to its price and legality with valve equipment in venues in ireland -
thus i stuck to a name i knew my idols used, countless yanks have used (because its cheaper over there) and bucket loads of review users used. i didn't pick a fender because i played through them, they didn't cut it for high gain so i wouldn't chance it.
thats like.... lada have been shitty cars for years and years - if ford started making lada's i wouldn't buy the fucking thing - i'd rather buy another make in the same price range that i know is capable of delivering - maybe the "ford lada's" would be good but i aint gona chance it being in a small metaless country
can we end this crap now!