what type of metal do you listen to?

Death metal. There is so much variation in the genre, and one can find technicality, brutality, atmosphere, melody, etc. It is also the most aggressive form of metal, or music in general, for that matter.
Favorite Genres: Progressive, Death, Melo-death, Doom

because i like the way they sound.
Black and thrash.

I love the strong atmospheres, and sophisticated ugliness of black metal. I also love to thrash my fucking head to great riffs.
ShroudOfDusk said:
Black and thrash.

I love the strong atmospheres, and sophisticated ugliness of black metal. I also love to thrash my fucking head to great riffs.

nice way to sum it up. i get what you mean from that pretty clearly i would imagine.
Death - for the brutalness, riffage and just...heaviness
Black - for the atmosphere, harshness etc...
Thrash - for the riffage, speed and it just gets me hyped up
Doom - Well, no real explanation I just love DOOOOOOOOOM
I like most of the genres equally, with the exception of power-metal. Why, you ask? It's just not heavy, and the vocalists sounds testicle-less. I do like SOME Blind Guardian, though.
I enjoy prog the most. I listen to a band like Threshold and feel proud of what I'm listening to. I suppose on an intellectual level, and on a level of pure talent.
Black: I find that, on the whole, it takes my mind on journeys more beautiful and interesting than any other genre. Having said that, my favourite album is a DM one.