How Do You Listen to Metal?

Zephyrus said:
Two part question.

1) How do you listen to metal most of the time? At work, on the go, in your car, or at home? Do you normally use headphones or speakers?

2) Do you tend to listen to consecutive albums as a whole or do you mix up your favorite songs with mix cd's or mp3 shuffle functions?

1) On my iPod if out of the house, or if at home, either on my stereo in the lounge room, or most of the time, via the PC.

2) Depends on my mood. If I am brooding, feeling calculated, I will hammer complete albums. If I'm feeling kind of neutral/normal/whatever, then several tracks from various albums.
cookiecutter said:
Do you play Norway vs. Sweden for the black metal world cup champsionship?

Norway would pwn their asses. But in a black metal vs. death metal context, now we've got a competition!
The Bringer said:
I appreciate loud kick ass metal but I really can't stand it when people blast it in their cars for seer amusement of other drivers. It is just as bad hearing any kick ass death metal song as it is hearing a high bass rap song in a passing car. Thank fucking god I don't have to put up with that anymore.

I don't think my car audio is even loud enough for anyone outside it to hear. I hate wankers that do laps just too play there music loud and show off, it's fucking stupid, do they think some hot chick is going to make them pull over and say "omg let me in for sex you are so cool"

Though i do hope to witness a wanker with his doof doof go by (doof doof doof doof), followed by a car with double pedal death metal blaring

Regardless of who is in my car i will play what i want, you have to go through too many years of hearing everyone elses shit so they can put up with the "noise" or get out
I go to work and listen to metal all day untill I come home where I relax with some softer music, like the backstreet boys. just kidding. Listening to metal at work makes me alot more motivated for some reason.
(M)aggoT said:
But Norway would rape and pillage Sweden in terms of Black Metal.

Oh, because Watain, Ofermod, Ondskapt, Malign, Dissection, Nifelheim don't count, right?

Speaking within the last few years, at least.
The Bringer said:
I appreciate loud kick ass metal but I really can't stand it when people blast it in their cars for seer amusement of other drivers. It is just as bad hearing any kick ass death metal song as it is hearing a high bass rap song in a passing car. Thank fucking god I don't have to put up with that anymore.

I saw a funny bumper sticker that made me think of all the (c)rap and mexican music (which all sounds like circus music to me) people blare on their car stereo's around here, it said "if I wanted to listen to the crap comming out of your car stereo, I'd be in your car."

I listen to music on my stereo, it's a 25 disc changer, and I usually random it for about a week or week and a half, then listen to all the discs I have in there individually before putting in another 25 dics. :rock:
1.) When im at home usually i listen to it on my computer speakers full blast but when i'm anywhere else i use my ipod usually with the headphones but when i'm in the car i connect it to my car speakers.

2.) Depends what i feel like. If i feel like listening to a specific band then i listen to consecutive albums but most of the other times i use the shuffle function.
Vital Remains said:
Listening to metal at work makes me alot more motivated for some reason.

I felt the same way when I was slaving away on an assembly line back in Canada 2 years ago. We listened to a lot of Children of Bodom, Sonata Arctica and In Flames. It was really the only metal acts that everyone could agree on in some way or another.
1) On the computer when I'm home. I have a 5.1 setup which cost me quite a heap, but it was worth it.. you should hear it on a full volume :rock:. The iPod when I'm away from home, in college or on the move.

2) An album a time.
Zephyrus said:
Two part question.

1) How do you listen to metal most of the time? At work, on the go, in your car, or at home? Do you normally use headphones or speakers?

A mix between both, at home on my PC or on my way to class using my ipod.

Zephyrus said:
2) Do you tend to listen to consecutive albums as a whole or do you mix up your favorite songs with mix cd's or mp3 shuffle functions?

I usually only like to listen to consecutive albums as a whole, afterall that is the way the artist intended it. However, sometimes I give in and switch to something else midway through the album.
1) I listen to Metal only at home on my stereo, through normal speakers. Headphones' sound quality is lower than speakers' quality, IMO.

2) I tend to listen to consecutive albums as a whole.