what type of metal do you listen to?

I take it back. I don't have favorite genres, just favorite bands.

Cryptopsy....Windir....Lamb of God....Between the Buried and Me....Circle of Dead Children....Alghazanth....Judas Priest. All different stuff :)
Doom is my favorite genre. I love every style of doom but I think funeral, early death/doom, and black/doom are the best. I also like black metal, metalcore(but not that kind with the melo-death shit in it), death metal, thrash, power, traditional metal....etc. You can see where I'm going with this.
I like a lot of different metal, but mostly these styles:

NWOBHM: Diamond Head, Venom, Motorhead, Saxon, etc
NWOAHM: Megadeth, early Metallica, etc
Death Metal: Death, Carcass, Morbid Angel, Decapitated, etc
Prog Metal: Dream Theater, Symphony X, Orphaned Land?...
Classic Metal: Dio, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, G'N'R, etc
Oldschool, power, prog, some death, thrash.... a bunch of stuff. I am not sub-genre loyal. There is stuff that is so aggressive to the point where it has no melody and I don't like it just like there is stuff that is not aggressive enough to where I don't like it, but if they play heavy music, write great songs (the most important thing) and have solid musicianship, I don't care what sub-genre they are chunked under, I like it.

Black mainly. Because I like the way it tickles the inside of my ear and makes me giggle ^__^
Bryant said:
Oldschool, power, prog, some death, thrash.... a bunch of stuff. I am not sub-genre loyal. There is stuff that is so aggressive to the point where it has no melody and I don't like it just like there is stuff that is not aggressive enough to where I don't like it, but if they play heavy music, write great songs (the most important thing) and have solid musicianship, I don't care what sub-genre they are chunked under, I like it.


Right on metal brothers and sisters! :kickass:
Mostly death metal, i'm a sucker for brutal riffage and intense percussion. That said, i'm also a massive fan of some black metal, and the occasional progressive metal band.
Excellent percussion is definitely one of death metal's highlights for me. Bands like Psycroptic, Cryptopsy, Arsis, Suffocation, Origin, Nile, Hate Eternal, Krisiun, Capharnaum, all have ridiculously awesome drumming.
Black metal, both ghei and kult. At its worst, black metal is an angry frog waiting for the kettle to boil, but there's an aesthetic in the best stuff that sounds like the word "grim" translated into five to ten minutes of raw sound. Not to mention the minor-chord sequences and dissonant melodies, which really hit the spot.

I also listen to a lot of classic metal - Saxon, Iron Maiden, Sabbath, etc. There's really no way to communicate the spine-shivering loveliness of songs like "747 (Strangers In The Night)", you either get it or I pity you.

Doom metal goes down well, whether it's Cathedral at their grooviest or Electric Wizard at their most "OMFG I can't even think let alone move". This is naturally an extension and expansion of the Sabbath taste.
mainly thrash, speed, death, and some black metal. all the other shit, it really depends on the band except prog not that I dont get it, its just fuckin lame (no offense to any prog fans) I wanna listen to METAL not a fuckin orcestra witch goes for some black metal and ALL doom metal bands plus viking metal seriouly do we flutes and violens and organs and all that bullshit call me old fashioned but guitar, drum, bass, vocals and maybe the key board and I'm a happy camper :Spin: . (no offense to anyone these are just the things I belive)
I'm not sure I have a favourite really. It used to be death metal (Autopsy, Gorguts, Immolation, Carcass, etc) but these days I find that doesn't suit my mood a lot of the time. I have bands in rotation from all the main genres and a few I can't really catagorise, It's the same with the 'trad vs extreme' debate, I really decide depending on my state of mind.
Necro Joe said:
Oh and to the guy above me, you're a moron. Do you honestly think 90% of Doom is highly orchestrated? If so you're clueless.
lets be honest doom metal is basicaly death metal slowed down with a violin in it.and name calling is not necesary,you can disagree with my point of veiw without calling me a moron and saying I'm clueless so please try to keep it civil
Heavy metal - Lighter, but still heavy. Fun to listen to, not too serious.
Thrash metal - Riffage.
Death metal - Aggressive and brutal.
Black metal - Dark, atmospheric, sophisticated, and, above all, anti-Christian.
Power metal - Happy, cheesy, and uplifting.
Melodeath - Melodies.
serial killer said:
lets be honest doom metal is basicaly death metal slowed down with a violin in it.and name calling is not necesary,you can disagree with my point of veiw without calling me a moron and saying I'm clueless so please try to keep it civil
I can't be civil your stupidity is too offensive. Go listen to some classic Doom (Sabbath, Pentagram, St. Vitus, The Obsessed) or some more modern stuff (Electric Wizard, Orodruin, Reverend Bizarre) and then tell me that the genre has anything to do with violins or DM. My Dying Bride and their ilk are not the only bands who play Doom.
Death, mostly, but I'm not hesitant to listen to a bit of grind here and there.

I'm tolerant of all metal, but those are my favourites.