What was your first encounter with metal?

Hammer of Might

New Metal Member
Jul 25, 2003
London, England
what band, song, event or whatever got you into metal for the first time?

I ask because I think it can have an interesting effect on the evolution of your tastes, or maybe it doesn't really effect the direction your tastes are now.

e.g. if the first band you fell in love with was Pantera, you might have more positive views now for bands like Black Label Society and so on, just to suggest an example.

For me, the first encounter with proper metal was Iron Maiden. I had dallied with bands before, thinking I liked the bands people liked at school like Limp Bizkit and fucking Staind, but I think that only ever went as far as getting 2 CDs. Maiden is where it started for me.
that would be "kill em all" in 83\84 between the faster beat and the awsome solos i was hooked! ive listend to many speed\thrash bands since and i'm quite positive i'll never stop.:headbang:
The first Metal band that I heard besides a lot of 90's Grunge Metal was Morbid Angel, it made me feel uncomfortable and I didn't think that Metal was a genre I could get into. Somebody reccomended Iron Maiden to me and while I didn't like the style of vocals very much I thought their themes about history and warfare in their lyrics were pretty cool. I also started listening to some Hardcore/Metalcore stuff that sort of eased me into the heavier parts of the genre, it only took me a month or two from hating Death Metal and Black Metal to be able to listen to the stuff, I'd say probably within three months I went from knowing nothing of Metal to only listening to it.
Iron Maiden- Running Free, which was also the first song I played on my guitar. Althoguh it could have been something off of Bruce Dickinson's album Balls to Picasso, maybe Shoot All the Clowns. But the bigger one was definetly Running Free.
GIT OUT MAH WAY!:headbang:
Judas Priest, Black Sabbath and Metallica at age 4. However, what truly spiked my interest in hard rock and beyond were bands such as Rush and Uriah Heep.
I'll admit it

korn and nine inch nails

first album I had was "downward spiral" on cassette tape.I remeber locking my door...and puting the head phones on..
i don't even remember.

the band that got me into what i listen to now though was Devourment. that was 6 years ago when Molesting The Decapitated came out. before that i mainly listened to nu-metal and would occassionaly listen to some heavier shit(anthrax and metallica when i was 12 or so). i remember when i was maybe 14 listening to Napalm Death and buying an Anal Cunt tape when i was around the same age because it had a cool cover (Everyone Must Die).

i also listened to AC/DC when i was under 10 years old. i had a couple of tapes by them.
Thanks to my older brother leaving to join the military when I was about 6 or 7, he left me his old stereo and cassettes. Van Halen, Black Sabbath, Rush, Led Zeppelin, Motley Crue, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest. Those where the bands that got me into heavy music. When I started to listen Slayer at about age 13, they opened my mind to death/black/extreme metal. Typical answer, but that's what happened.
i think i really started to like metal pretty much when my brother gave me cds of rammstein, lost horizon and a couple other bands when i was 9 or 10. then when i was 11 he gave me a cd of melodic death and of 80s metal and when i was around 12 or still 11 he gave me all the music that he had (like 4,000 songs) and had me listen to it and i discovered tons of bands and i;m still listening to some new stuff he gave me i never checked out.
Black Sabbath,Deep Purple,Scorpions,later on I heard Accept's album Restless and Wild,that made me realize this whole metal thing is really going somewhere...hell yeah!
Cant exactly remember - i think it was rammstein - Engel - my dad used to be into them. All i can remember is i hated it, now they are like my favourite band. Of Harder music i heard Carcass and i also hated it, now i love them as well. Oh how my tastes have changed from the days of blink 182 lol
1986 Europe : The final countdown but I last until 1988 till I got the re-released "Wings of tomorrow"&"Europe" DLP for a special price. Than Iron Maiden, Metallica, Sepultura and finally Darkthrone, Impaled Nazarene were coming...
Probably when the classic rock station would occasionally break out some old Metallica songs. I remember Orion and Fade to Black being favorites of mine. The first extreme metal I heard was In Flames - Clayman, and Opeth - Blackwater Park.

Edit: Okay, In Flames is hardly extreme, but the first band with death vocals I heard.