what will you do at New Year's Eve?


Aug 6, 2004
actually i dunno yet...maybe i'll go with some friends to see a village/little town near here which is basically a medieval castle upon a rock on the sea and it's wonderful at night. :cool: i think they will do smth like fireworks for ny'eve.
they will do a concert too but it's an awful italian band which i don't like.
guess i'll stay home with my girlfriend. alfred's invited too, if he thinks he can brave the dangerous waters of nightly firecrackers. nye's parties are so not me anymore.
i'll go away with some friends since one of us has a house (ex grandparents house) in a town on the sea. it's not actually for "omg new year!!!!! let's party" cause i hate new year's eve's parties, simply we all are free from work/school and we have the chance to be somewhere else for a couple of days, i doubt the words "new year" will be ever pronounced when we're there.
Hiljainen said:
i hate new year's eve's parties
actually me too.i mean,i don't like dressing up in a posh way (meee?! :ill: ) or having a special make-up and be forced to party etc etc...but at the same time i like to stay with my friends,especially with those who come back home for their holidays and so.we used to stay all together in a country-house and we really had fun until the morning after,but these year we haven't a place to stay in -except for restaurants and stuff,but we don't like it! :p - near the sea or in the countryside:there's just my house but it's too small and in the centre of the town so we can't party! :erk: plus most of my friends are leaving for some great european capitals,so... ;)
@Dafne: for me it's not the dressing up part, i usually wear jeans and shirt, but sometimes i like to dress "well", i just dislike the fact that on that day we're almost forced to party, and for what? i mean we just begin counting days in another year.
and the goth part in me would say that new year's parties are a way to raise expectations for another year that will most probably turn into crap sooner or later (if it's not already crap, like in this case) :p
yeah every year i feel like "wow cool a new year begins" ... then at 0:00 "weeeeee happy new year... ehhm... and now? is it anything special? ffs no... why was i so pleased?"
i never say to myself "next year you'll do this and that better" or so because i won't do it :D
Hiljainen said:
i usually wear jeans and shirt, but sometimes i like to dress "well", i just dislike the fact that on that day we're almost forced to party, and for what? i mean we just begin counting days in another year.
yep basically it's what i mean.than i think that having fun isn't partying like hell .sometimes i have fun just talking with some friend who makes me laugh a lot,for instance. :p
anyway,you know,dressing in a posh way doesn't make me feel at ease and actually on ny's eve i dress up like usual or "worse" because of the sea or the countryside. :)
no doubt that sometimes a girl looks better with a feminine and smart dress ;)
i fit the forum cliché - will stay home with some friends, maybe cook dinner for them, but nothing impressively original. i have to work on friday morning anyway.
@Nick: that makes two of us, save the trashed part. i'd suggest we spend it together online, but then i remembered something about the time difference. :p
Well, I have to do something with my girlfriend, but what exactly is always difficult to answer. Probably go see a movie and then go to my brother's friend's party. I don't particualrly want to do either. Last year it snowed at 11.00 and within ten mins we had 7 inch of really nice snow. If that happens again Ill be well chuffed :p.
As much as it may surprise you all, get wasted. Well, maybe just semi-wasted.
Sadly what I won't be doing is getting wasted with Rusty and VB. Still, maybe some fun can be had.
@Nick: cool, we'll be having our very own new year's eve party! and noone else is invited*! :heh:

*everyone is welcome to crash the party though :p
I'll be with my friends... I was planned to be with my parents and nephew but the plans failed and ...
I WANT TO WISH YOU ALL HAVE A NICE NIGHT!!! have a safe 2005 year full of beautiful events!!! Stay metal! :headbang: