What would you do if there was a zombie outbreak?

I'd let them run Cobot, then they'd kill themselves because of how annoying you people are and they would kill themselves. Problem solved.

Let me guess, then they'd kill themselves once more and realize they can't die and then they'd kill themselves again. :Smug: Like FUCK, I can't die! BANG
First I'd pinch myself to make sure I wasn't tripping/sleeping. Then I'd roll up a blunt, take a couple shots of crown, spark that blunt and then grab as many weapons i could and fuck up as many as I could possibly find rambo style.
First I'd pinch myself to make sure I wasn't tripping/sleeping. Then I'd roll up a blunt, take a couple shots of crown, spark that blunt and then grab as many weapons i could and fuck up as many as I could possibly find rambo style.
I assume these are the classic slow moving zombies...

in that case it really doesn't matter, I have enough blunt objects in my room to hold them off. I'd probably PM rock Hydra and join up with him somewhere in Michigan or something. :p