What you guys play ?

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It look like there's not much people who likes gaming...

For my part, I'm still stuck with my PS2, so there's what we are playing lately :

PS2 : NHL2007, NHL2008, Burnout Dominator, Guitar Hero 1-2-3 and Metallica.
Sega Saturn : C&C, Aliens.
PC (mostly during winter) : AOE, WOW, Sim City, Spore, Pokerstars.
no games for me or Rox, not sure about Pat or Mag but somehow I doubt it. Mag is busy teaching. On the other hand I know pat has guitar hero but I've never seen him play it or mention it.
the funny thing about Guitar Hero, is that even though I play real guitar,
I suck at Guitar Hero. why is that ? :P
the funny thing about Guitar Hero, is that even though I play real guitar,
I suck at Guitar Hero. why is that ? :P

i love pissing people off when they come over to my house and are having on a guitar hero song, then I pick up my real guitar and play it!
Man, this must be one of the most incomplete threads ever...Lol can I be condemned for trolling my own forum?:D

Matt, our current singer used to work for the company that made Guitar Hero, so his old job included playing Guitar Hero all day on "Advanced"! The worst comment his boss could make was "You're playing too much Metallica! Do some Aerosmith instead". Chances are he can kick all of our collective asses at that game;)

Besides that, I used to play Quake II in highschool, am a big fan of Kingdom of Loathing(used to have a Level 13 Disco Bandit before I lost it due to non-playing), and I also happen to know Bart is a master at Civilizations (awesome game, look it up). We just don't play much because we spend all of our free time after work, well doing more work!:)