whats all this clone lark?

Mar 4, 2004
hi there i am led to believe that people are cloning other people or some shit!
does anyone know of this.
somnium sent me a message and i dont fully get it.
and im not tools or mehdi.
(this is a wierd on)ehh?!. :erk: :confused:
well theres been a while here there were people cloning other people on the board, and i guess sophia is on a quest to find out who is her clone. her clone is called soNMium instead of soMNium (sophia) and has lately been posting on other forums than the ones sophia posts on. perhaps its in a way harmless because no one knows sophia anyhow on those forums but yeah. well i understand shes annoyed bout that.

on the other hand theres been loads of new accounts around here too, those accounts werent really clones but as well confused people... some are offended by that others arent. sometimes its not easy to see the humour of it and to relativate the big e-life when these things happened.
be blessed and dont know the score for another while ;)
hope my explanation made sense anyhow otherwise just ask (im not sure if i got your the score part eeh)
well its sophias business really in this case, for me its quite obvious youre not a new fake post account or something like that. but hey :)
brian oblivion said:
hi there i am led to believe that people are cloning other people or some shit!
does anyone know of this.
somnium sent me a message and i dont fully get it.
and im not tools or mehdi.
(this is a wierd on)ehh?!. :erk: :confused:
why did she reckon it was someone else but you?
and why would i post stuff under a different name?

clones... :erk:

@Brian Oblivion i'm really sorry but i dont have a clue why and how did this happen.Either:
1)it was SONMIUM(my clone) and not me or
2)it was indeed somnium(which means s.o. broke into my account)
i believe its the 1st option.im sorry for the fuss anyway

clones are a horrible.some are funny,some are just boring ,some are malicious:ill: like mine:(

i would never suspect tools ffs:lol: he's a decent kid :headbang:

@Siderea milions of thanks again for saving the situation once more dear :worship:
i was far from any pc when all this happened(in a net cafe atm,im at me parent's house for easter)

@Blackeyed i read that thread only recently when i tracked the clone's posts.i felt embarassed even without really posting that shite:(
alright, before anyone gets itchy: this isn't a clone account, just changed my username from vultureculture to malaclypse.