Whats Everybody Up To Thread?

Gaunerin said:
I just enrolled for my 3rd Swedish course. Hope it helps :D
Other than that I'm just tired right now and will go to bed very soon. How exciting :rolleyes:
Cool, and when you get up north you will get into practicing it too :)
btw, have you learned to sing (or play) any Swedish songs?
I am about to book my flights to Sweden in October within the next few days actually :)
You don't happen to know a site that lists tourdates in Sweden? I know about the ones at metalcentral.net and metalheart.se but I have no idea how complete these lists are.

As for Swedish songs......we were "forced" to sing that famous birthday song "ja må han/hon leva" for a classmate back in my 1st Swedish course.....oh my, that was the most embarassing and hilarious chant you can imagine LOL!!!!
Other than that: does Vintersorg and Otyg count!? :) Oh...and I know a few songs by De Lyckliga Kompisarna. But that's probably not what you meant :D
Pabla said:
That's awesome Dargor! Any particular highlights you might want to share...same goes to you Gauny!

Well, now the countdown to Prog begins, but before I get all hyper folks (I already have had a huge cuppa cofee w/tons of sugar and 2 extra large donuts...yessssss sugar rush! o_O ) I must say that MSG and Uli were just fucking amazing last week :worship: it was literally ELECTRIC! :loco: My highlight of the evening though was UFO's "Doctor, Doctor" even though I heard it from outside as it was just crowded and so hot in the venue that I spent half of it outside trying to chill! Kittybeast scored though and got her stuff signed by Michael and Uli...sweetttttt :headbang:

Ok..time to get hyper about Prog.......yahooooooooo :hotjump:

Yeah, it was really cool when they did this whole Columbia tribute by doing "Contact Lost". They brought one of the family members of one of the victims of the shuttle crisis. It was pretty moving considering their were some Deep Purple fans on the shuttle and the had some of the cd's in the shuttle when it blew up.
Gaunerin said:
I am about to book my flights to Sweden in October within the next few days actually :)
You don't happen to know a site that lists tourdates in Sweden? I know about the ones at metalcentral.net and metalheart.se but I have no idea how complete these lists are.

As for Swedish songs......we were "forced" to sing that famous birthday song "ja må han/hon leva" for a classmate back in my 1st Swedish course.....oh my, that was the most embarassing and hilarious chant you can imagine LOL!!!!
Other than that: does Vintersorg and Otyg count!? :) Oh...and I know a few songs by De Lyckliga Kompisarna. But that's probably not what you meant :D
Some dates can probably be found at http://www.dist.nu/index.php?page=spelningar
and some dates might be found at http://www.jamma.nu/

But I really haven't looked into the issue that much, so apart from dist.nu I really have no clue..
Thanks, seems there's not really a gig I would want to go to during my stay. Oh well, heaps of gigs over here to attend so I don't necessarily need to in Sweden. Too bad I miss Uriah Heep by a week or so though, would have gone there since I've never seen them before.

So, what else am I up to? I will most probably attend a hiking/outdoor/camping fair tomorrow. Will call my friend later to arrange it.
Gaunerin said:
Thanks, seems there's not really a gig I would want to go to during my stay. Oh well, heaps of gigs over here to attend so I don't necessarily need to in Sweden. Too bad I miss Uriah Heep by a week or so though, would have gone there since I've never seen them before.

So, what else am I up to? I will most probably attend a hiking/outdoor/camping fair tomorrow. Will call my friend later to arrange it.

You Europeans are so lucky, don't take all the concerts for granted. I was lucky enough Wishbone Ash came here.

Uriah Heep
Yeah....I know we're spoiled in Europe and in Germany in particular.
Anyway, my friend called me and we ended up on that fair I was talking about on saturday. So today I stayed at home and since it was sunny (and quite hot too) I sat outside reading the whole afternoon.
Oh, and I booked a flight to Sweden (and back...).
Gaunerin said:
Yeah....I know we're spoiled in Europe and in Germany in particular.
Anyway, my friend called me and we ended up on that fair I was talking about on saturday. So today I stayed at home and since it was sunny (and quite hot too) I sat outside reading the whole afternoon.
Oh, and I booked a flight to Sweden (and back...).

I hate hot weather, probably because I live in Texas
When I was referring to hot, I was talking about something like 27°C (which should be around 68°F) ;)

And I just came back from my new Swedish course. Wow, 9 ppl there. And since we're no beginners it seems we will continue with all of them. I can't believe it :) (I was worried there wouldn't be enough participants)
The new teacher is a bit too much focusing on grammar for my taste - and I'm not really used to it either. My past two teachers never emphasized grammatical terms so I felt a bit lost already, hehe.

Now that school has started here again (and the sports hall is open again) I will finally pick up my weekly basketball training again tomorrow. I can use some exercise. Only sitting in the office and at home isn't good.
Coolness Gaunerin! :) They never offered any interesting langauges at my school, only Spanish... which is the usual 2nd language to take in Illinois. Not that there's anything wrong with Spanish, mind you, it's just that I was hoping to take something a bit more unusual. ;)

One of these days I'm probably going to try and learn a 2nd language, not just yet though... I'm too exhausted all the time from taking care of father...

I'd do that part anyway, but he has cancer now and I'm very worried. The doctor say he has a 50/50 chance to survive, which she says is good for cancer... at any rate, for those wondering why I haven't been doing my usual cool posty goodness... that's why.
oh well.....no Swedish in school here either. Back in school I had English, French and Spanish. Latin is the fourth major "language" tought over here.

All the best and strength in the world to you and your dad!
WIntersReflection said:
Coolness Gaunerin! :) They never offered any interesting langauges at my school, only Spanish... which is the usual 2nd language to take in Illinois. Not that there's anything wrong with Spanish, mind you, it's just that I was hoping to take something a bit more unusual. ;)
Well, Klingon ( tlhIngan Hol ) is a very unusual language.
And then you can read Hamlet in Klingon: http://www.langmaker.com/db/bks_klingonhamletthe.htm
WIntersReflection said:
I'd do that part anyway, but he has cancer now and I'm very worried. The doctor say he has a 50/50 chance to survive, which she says is good for cancer... at any rate, for those wondering why I haven't been doing my usual cool posty goodness... that's why.

My thoughts and prayers are with you Winter. I only know you as a "net friend" but I feel I know you well enough to know you are a wonderful person and I hope things turn out for the best for you and your family.

Thanks Bryant! YOU RULE! :) :)

Dad has surgery today to make it so they can just plug in the iv, or blood or whatever it is they use to balance his nutrient to him through it, as opposed to have to keep poking his veins. I'm a little worried about that but at least it will make things easier for him later on.

In the meantime I added a few new pictures to my site, don't you love it when friend's pose for ya! Makes it so much less straining on the ol' imagination! ;) :-D

Also I added an episode to my online comic book, "MMM. Shenanigans." Enjoy! :)


I managed to get up at the usual time today without too much trouble... which is good because lately I've been having a heck of time dragging my depressed butt out of bed. My mornings go something like this...


Winter: "Oh nooooooo." Hits sleep and turns over...

Five minutes later...


Winter: "AHHHHHhhh..." Hit's sleep, turns over...

Another 5 minutes...

Winter: "Okay, okay..." :Get's half out of bed and falls asleep.

Another minute...

Mom: "WINNNNNNTERRRRR, get up and take care of Dad!"

Winter: :Get's up, pulls on robe, rushes off to help her Dad.:
I just have to make it through ONE day of work today, then I get home and make a dash for the airport tonight since I fly out to New York today on the red-eye and see TM and Edguy tomorrow night! :hotjump: This comes at a great time since I REALLY needed to get away!!

Okay today I go to work, and come home possibly a little less late than usual, and then, if I'm lucky, I'll get to take a nap. If I'm not lucky, and I have the energy I'll work on my Comic Book. But as I've been sleeping none to well lately I'm not sure I'll have the energy to do much of anything. :/

Aol instant messanger updated so that now I can use nifty doggy smilies! YAYYY :-D
(It's the little things in life that make you happy ;))