Whats Everybody Up To Thread?

Coolness! Thanks BlindPanzer!
WIntersReflection said:
Oh and I moved some of my older art into an archive site, the link is still easy to find on my site however :)

Great job. I wish I could do that. I wasn't really a bad artrist but I am too much of an idealist and perfectionist. I can't "interpret" things my own way. If it doesn't look like a picture (photograph,) I threw it away. Of course, maybe that is why I took up photography.
I think it is interesting as hell how you can use your imagination to draw those impressionist type stuff. My mind doesn't work that way. I am a technician. I repair machines or make them perform better. While some of the improvements require imagination, they are all based on proven applications (or at least theoretical applications that work in my mind) and my mind works like that as well.

Haven't posted here in a while. Been out a lot lately, gigs and Halloween... this is the time of year where everybody starts having so many activities as well as a shiload of things to do! Almost like a marathon race to the Holidays :tickled:
Saw a few good gigs these last 2 weeks, the standout show though was Alice Cooper... absolutely AMAZING :worship:

BTW, sweet Dio avi! ;)
What have I been up to ?

Got fired (on purpose sorta don't feel bad)
Found out I have a Bryant jr. on the way (already knew the wife was pregnent, but just found out the sex)
Watching football (American.) I am a huge Steeler fan so I couldn't be more pumped up about football.

Right now I'm at work. :yuk:

But later, I'm meeting friends for dinner! :D

Hmmm...not much else interesting...just waiting (im)patiently for Feb 3 when I get to see Queensryche! :headbang:
