Whats Everybody Up To Thread?

Bryant said:
I got a little spare money so I will do some shopping for new baby music. I think I will get Pyramaze, Anubis Gate maybe the last Fates Warning (the only one I don't own) and maybe even an older TM release.


That Pyramaze owns...after you get it join their forum...it is missing some Bryant. :headbang:
dargormudshark said:
That Pyramaze owns...after you get it join their forum...it is missing some Bryant. :headbang:

I ordered: the new Angra, Pyramaze, the newest Firewind (it has Chity on vox. I can't wait to hear it) FWX, Green Carnation's newest, Anubis Gate, and Tad Morose "A Mended Rhyme."

dargormudshark said:
nice, when you get "A mended Rhyme" you can listen to my favorite song by them!!! :headbang:

I'm much better at ordering one or two CDs at a time as opposed to a "haul." My pitiful brain can't handle all that music at once. :erk: I am looking forward to the TM one though.

Ok, I have a few minutes on my hand, and since Bryant is constantly incouraging me to post, so here's what I have been and am up to.
I've had a crappy week. I've been to both dermatologist and dentist, both more out of routine than problems. The far scarier thing was a huge knot next to my armpit towards my back that I dissovered tuesday evening. After a rather sleepless night with all kinds of worst-scenario-self-diagnosis I was diagnosed with a lipoma the next day. It's a benign tumor of fat issue and unfortunately it's already too big to have it removed in an outpatient treatment. Which means, I will have a surgery in hospital mid April. I will be scared again once it's time to go there......
...but before........
....I have a week off work and I'm slowly preparing for the next week in Sweden :) Haven't done much than collecting all booking codes for the flights from my inbox though. There won't be much further preparation either I'm afraid. Other than packing. No idea what to take with me. Not many people escape spring and fly back into winter ;)
Anyway, in a few minutes I will watch the weekly soap I'm guilty of watching.
Happy Easter :D
Gaunerin said:
Ok, I have a few minutes on my hand, and since Bryant is constantly incouraging me to post, so here's what I have been and am up to.
I've had a crappy week. I've been to both dermatologist and dentist, both more out of routine than problems. The far scarier thing was a huge knot next to my armpit towards my back that I dissovered tuesday evening. After a rather sleepless night with all kinds of worst-scenario-self-diagnosis I was diagnosed with a lipoma the next day. It's a benign tumor of fat issue and unfortunately it's already too big to have it removed in an outpatient treatment. Which means, I will have a surgery in hospital mid April. I will be scared again once it's time to go there......
...but before........
....I have a week off work and I'm slowly preparing for the next week in Sweden :) ---snip--

Happy Easter :D

Oh surgury sucks !!! :yuk: At least it is benign though (not cancer.) That is what is most important. I wish you luck. I know you will be fine. :D Have a great trip to Sweden and Happy easter to you Gauny !! :headbang:

Gaunerin said:
Ok, I have a few minutes on my hand, and since Bryant is constantly incouraging me to post, so here's what I have been and am up to.
I've had a crappy week. I've been to both dermatologist and dentist, both more out of routine than problems. The far scarier thing was a huge knot next to my armpit towards my back that I dissovered tuesday evening. After a rather sleepless night with all kinds of worst-scenario-self-diagnosis I was diagnosed with a lipoma the next day. It's a benign tumor of fat issue and unfortunately it's already too big to have it removed in an outpatient treatment. Which means, I will have a surgery in hospital mid April. I will be scared again once it's time to go there......
...but before........
....I have a week off work and I'm slowly preparing for the next week in Sweden :) Haven't done much than collecting all booking codes for the flights from my inbox though. There won't be much further preparation either I'm afraid. Other than packing. No idea what to take with me. Not many people escape spring and fly back into winter ;)
Anyway, in a few minutes I will watch the weekly soap I'm guilty of watching.
Happy Easter :D

I'm not sure which sucks the most, the dentist or the dermatologist... I need to go visit both, or everyone will think I'm English with my bad teeth. :D

As for lipomas, sometimes they go away on their own... sorry it doesn't sound like your will, but I'm sure it won't be too bad. Minor surgery. :)

dargormudshark said:
Dermatoligist is worse than the dentist

i assure you dentists suck. i am going tomorrow, well today cos its 12:41am, afterschool. they are evil places! they go and purposly have all the sharp tools and huge ones out on the table to scare the piss out of you. then when they are filling your mouth you can't swallow and that girl keeps sucking the spit out, and you wanna say "god damn lady my mouth is dry enough" but you cant talk. and then they use that thing and start picking at your teeth, but miss half time and pic your gum, holy hell that hurts. then this one lady makes you bit extremely hard are this plastic photography square thinger. what happened with the old throw awya cameras? least they dont break your teeth. then this one girl fills your mouth with this HORRIBLE tasting purple crap. and then when your finally done and wanna get the taste away, they go "dont eat or drink for 6 hours". what the fuck is up with that!? aaah. they must have a game thats like "first one to drive a patient completely insane wins a brand new spongebob toothbrush!" oh man and its even more annoying when your lying there and they talk to you. they ask questions, even though you're not aloud to fuckin talk. and then when you don't answer they start telling you about their kids. and you wanna just say "oh shut the fuck up" but you can't move your mouth. maybe you can tell, (well dagormundshark can) that im extremely bored with nothing to do at nearly 1am. tomorrow, well today, we hand in our course selections of highschool. we only get 2 periods with a list of different things to pick from, so i got band and music theory. you all just wait, i am going to revolutionize the term known as "school band" with metal. :D ima go laydown and see what crappy tvshows they play at this hour.

//greg \m/
No-Mercy said:
i assure you dentists suck. i am going tomorrow, well today cos its 12:41am, afterschool. they are evil places! they go and purposly have all the sharp tools and huge ones out on the table to scare the piss out of you. then when they are filling your mouth you can't swallow and that girl keeps sucking the spit out, and you wanna say "god damn lady my mouth is dry enough" but you cant talk. and then they use that thing and start picking at your teeth, but miss half time and pic your gum, holy hell that hurts. then this one lady makes you bit extremely hard are this plastic photography square thinger. what happened with the old throw awya cameras? least they dont break your teeth. then this one girl fills your mouth with this HORRIBLE tasting purple crap. and then when your finally done and wanna get the taste away, they go "dont eat or drink for 6 hours". what the fuck is up with that!? aaah. they must have a game thats like "first one to drive a patient completely insane wins a brand new spongebob toothbrush!" oh man and its even more annoying when your lying there and they talk to you. they ask questions, even though you're not aloud to fuckin talk. and then when you don't answer they start telling you about their kids. and you wanna just say "oh shut the fuck up" but you can't move your mouth. maybe you can tell, (well dagormundshark can) that im extremely bored with nothing to do at nearly 1am. tomorrow, well today, we hand in our course selections of highschool. we only get 2 periods with a list of different things to pick from, so i got band and music theory. you all just wait, i am going to revolutionize the term known as "school band" with metal. :D ima go laydown and see what crappy tvshows they play at this hour.

//greg \m/

Yeah, flouride sucks....hahaha you have to go to school!! :D :loco: