Ok, I have a few minutes on my hand, and since Bryant is constantly incouraging me to post, so here's what I have been and am up to.
I've had a crappy week. I've been to both dermatologist and dentist, both more out of routine than problems. The far scarier thing was a huge knot next to my armpit towards my back that I dissovered tuesday evening. After a rather sleepless night with all kinds of worst-scenario-self-diagnosis I was diagnosed with a lipoma the next day. It's a benign tumor of fat issue and unfortunately it's already too big to have it removed in an outpatient treatment. Which means, I will have a surgery in hospital mid April. I will be scared again once it's time to go there......
...but before........
....I have a week off work and I'm slowly preparing for the next week in Sweden
Haven't done much than collecting all booking codes for the flights from my inbox though. There won't be much further preparation either I'm afraid. Other than packing. No idea what to take with me. Not many people escape spring and fly back into winter
Anyway, in a few minutes I will watch the weekly soap I'm guilty of watching.
Happy Easter