What's that one song you aspire to be able to play?


Everybody dies alone
Oct 10, 2003
Tallahassee, Florida
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For me as a Keyboardist it's without a doubt Liquid Dreams by Liquid Tension Experiment. Ruddess is a freaking god in that song. I think he does every part of that song alone, even the guitar part (awesome effect with his keyboard).

Second place would be the Odyssey. I simply love all the instruments coming alive, often 3 instruments at a time controlled by one man. Nice

What about you guys?

As a guitarist, I'd say Yngwie's "Far Beyond the Sun." Mindblowing technique, good melodies, even the shred carries interesting melodies and every note adds to the song. I guess I'd rather be able to WRITE something like that, but I'd love to be able to play it.

That or anything by Jason Becker.
Kane, if you're having trouble learning the Dance of eternity on drums, check out Portnoy's DVD or video called Liquid Drum Theater. He plays that whole song, and it gives a real nice view of what he's playing. It didnt take me long at all after watching it to learn the whole song. if you need tabs, (not actual drum tabs, but notes on a bass clef assigned to each drum/cymbal), let me know and i'll be glad to help you out. it might also depend on the size of your set. im using an 8 piece, and thats prolly more than it takes. he's using some rare techniques in there as well. its a great drum track. Im actually trying to learn every symphony x song. haha, no seriously, it'll take a while, but its worth it. i know a few, and bits and pieces of a lot, but i just want to see if its possible to know them all...
far beyond the sun isnt to to bad. For me it would have to be Perpetual Burn (most godly sweeping ever) or For the Love of God..both of which are mind boggling to me..as far as more simpler songs to learn, prolly Rain by Jason, I just never found any good tabs for it and his tone is like impossable to reproduce.
Of course Yngwie always gets away with improvin FBTS..all the times ive seen him and listened to his live versions its usually the main riff a few times, crazy going off solo in same key, main riff again..more crazy improv and close with the songs ending..so I guess you could actually play it pritty good by just learning the main shit..and then just going off in between...I usually just end up doing some kind of crazy yngwie mix with Sun, trillogy and a few snippets of other Yngwie and Bach shit with me just going off in between....
The Eyes Of Medusa (both with guitar and keyboard)
Communion And The Oracle (all guitar and almost all of the piano)

I've always wanted to be able to play Concerto by Cacophony, but I really doubt that one is ever going to happen

Symphony X I'd love to master Smoke and Mirrors really tight, rather than the loose form I do now, however I just got Inferno under my belt solidly, so there is hope!

If I somehow ever played Tender Surrender with as much feeling as Vai... ah who am I kidding.
years ago sea of lies was a goal i set cause ever since i listened to it and began learning i relized how hard it was and was determined to learn it all, now thats over :D

lots of symphony x songs aspire me
I have quite a few actually for guitar. But, if I had to it narrow it down it would be the the guitar solo in "Limelight" by Rush, it's a very catchy, creative, and emotional guitar solo by Lifeson. And heck there's one more I can't neglect. The guitar solo in "Flesh And The Power It Holds" by Death, which more than anything made me want to pick up guitar.

As for piano there are a few as well. What comes to mind before anything though is the work in "Star-crossed" by Arcturus. Or "Crossed-star", whatever the heck it is.