What's the best recording program(protools)

black sugar said:
Anyway, I can't afford a Mac that's more powerful than my PC, let alone the software, and I'm sick of Cubase bogging down on me. What's a guy to do?

According to the codingfolks who are testing the new OSX on Intel their 3.6 Ghz Apple-build Macintel outruns the dual 2.7Ghz G5.

Anyway, if you can make good music with the program of your choice then that's the one.
I'm a keyboardplayer and the first time I sat down behind a Kurzweil K2000 -when it came out- I didn't stop playing for a couple of hours.

Got me a Midiboard now.:grin:
I'm currently using Cakewalk SONAR 4 Producer, and will be upgrading to version 5 soon. Been using it since version 3 and I love it.

Only tried Cubase other than SONAR and didn't like that at all.

I'm too poor to be able to think about Protools. ;)

Mulder said:
Its fast and its weird. As the users are.
Its overpriced -$2500, pleez- and generally a hobby of the guy who programmed it, who's not interested in SAW becoming mainstream but thinks that SAW is his 'piece of art' and you can admire it. He -Bob- has the nerve to claim that 'some guy with golden ears' has told him his eq sounds as good as a Weiss.
Well, it doesn't. It's ok, but no more then that. Can't hold a candle to the Algorithmixstuff, or the Halo channelstrip.

I appreciate your honesty, Mulder. I'm not interested in getting into a flame war with you, but I do have a very different opinion on it. Let's not let this degrade into one of those pointless "mac vs. pc" debates :)

$2500 is very pricey, but considering the capability, IMHO it's justified. Belive me, 2 years ago I cringed at the price. There was a 55% exchange rate on the CDN dollar to US, so it was looking close to $3500 - $4000 CDN for the program.... Then he came out with the basic version for $300. That peaked my interest big time. I'm currently using Lite, and am probably going to upgrade to full eventually.

I also understand that the interface can be very off-putting. It's like nothing out there. However, after using it for some time, I've asked myself, "how the hell did I manage without this?"

As for the EQ, it's my first choice..... then again, personal taste in EQ is like personal taste in monitors. For me, it's clean and doesn't mess up the sound. I'd love to see some shelving options added, but that's my only gripe.

Over the past year and a half I've been using it, I might add, I've got some really great results. That, and my business has increased by several orders of magnitude. But the greatest personal satisfaction came in the August 2005 issue of RECORDING. Go check out the review for Glenn Fricker/Betrayer in the 'readers tapes' section.

--Glenn -0z- Fricker
OzNimbus said:
I appreciate your honesty, Mulder. I'm not interested in getting into a flame war with you, but I do have a very different opinion on it.
--Glenn -0z- Fricker

Oz, if you do great work with it, its your program. I just don't like the cult around it, I like having gear to work with instead of 'art' that 'educates' me in some direction. Pity, the guy's a fuckin genius when it comes to coding, most streamlined code in the DAWbiz fer sure.

Just check out the demo of the Red EQ from Algorithmix. If you like the BobQ you'll love this one. It'll eat away your cpu on the higher quality settings, but if your program supports bouncing then ofcourse there's no problem. :p

BTW, I did a phasezerotest with SAW and PT (and Cubase), silence. I also did a test with Bob's EQ and the JMS Hi-res EQ, also zero (and that's funny, cos eq's from different companies mostly sound & behave very different compared to eachother a certainly don't null eachother out).

So if you wanna sound like SAW, put the HiRes EQ in your signalpath. :Saint:
Carcass29 said:
....and what would that little program be?

Its called the TDMthing. Turns out Digi set the BSA on everybody discussing it so google yourself into this great joke. :muahaha:
Andy Sneap said:
yeah that looked interesting, bet digi were loving that for a second

Gonna install it when I have the time to learn what you guys actually do with this beatdetective.

(btw I just checked, you can set the Mule to fetch it fer ya.)
Genius Gone Insane said:
I am so confused right now. What the hell is a Mule? And were such a program to exist, one that makes the 001 work w/ TDM, would it be legal for someone to post a link to it?

It's not legal at all!
Digidesign is really pissed off about a dll or exe (don't know what it is) that turns our digi001/digi002 into a little protools hd.
You know: who should buy a protools hd when you can have something similar and save money?
ok hd has the core card wich takes all the heavy processing away from the cpu host, but with that "thing" you can use: beat detective full-working, delay compensation and other great stuff that is all about the tdm version.
what's a mule??? is really simple to understand what he's saying, think man think.

I use both Pro Tools and Logic 7. I do use them for different things though - PT for recording and Logic for composition and midi stuff. There are some really amazing softsynths in Logic 7, so that tipped the balance for me as far as it being a killer writing platform.

I can also attest to the performance of the new developer MacIntel "G5 box". PT and Logic 7 on Intel will be a huge step forward imho. Roll on 2006-7.


Neil K.
funny you should mention it, im testing our an intel tiger machine as i type. i have a real g5 and all but i like to tinker with stuff so i stayed up all night patching and such. it works pretty good/ i know neil was talking about a legit one though heh. lucky.

i recently bought logic pro 7 and its hard to not write with it now with all those great soft synths. it just completely blows away all other sequencing/soft synth programs. i dont like it much for recording audio though.
NK said:
Yo Ken! How have you been? How's the new material coming along??

Neil K.
hey bud, its coming along. its taken a turn a bit gone in a much darker intense direction but its super cool. cant wait to hear the final product on the pam stuff btw.